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Requesting Info from those experienced w/ CCL

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Although this is a rather common malady I am not verse in all its particulars. I have research the procedure but am requesting anyone that has already gone through the therapy portion to please lend their personal experience advice. And would like to request your prayers for the little rescue dog that will be going in Monday the 17th for CCL rupture repairs and rebuilds. On Shamia's behalf I Thank You.


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This probably isn't what quite you wanted to read, but I find this site very interesting:

Treating Canine Ligament Injury Without Surgery

Even if you decide that surgery is the right option, this site may help you understand how best to handle the post-surgery recovery period.


Here's another site I like, again with useful info about recovery regardless of which treatment option you've chosen:

TPLO Recovery


If you just want to talk with people whose dogs have been through CCL surgery, try this yahoo group: Orthodogs

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  • 3 weeks later...

We're going through a partial CCL tear right now (in her right hind knee) with Sweep - our 12 yr. old BC/Aussie mix. The vet recommended conservative management - which means restricting her activity and lots of rest - to let it heal on its own. We carry her outside to go potty and use a sling (fashioned from a towel) under her belly to aid her walking. We have rubber-backed throw rugs everywhere to cover the hard wood floors so she won't slip. We tried "Cushy-Paws," little rubber-bottomed fleece booties, that helped some. Here's a link: http://www.therapaw.com. From what the vet says, and from what I've read, it's just going to take time - but recovery will happen! I found the same website that "Alaska" posted - it was very helpful.


Sweep has days where she won't put her leg down, and days that she'll try to walk on it gingerly. Patience, patience, patience...keeping her quiet, and a watchful eye are the keys. It's only been a week and 1/2 for us. It could be a couple of months or more before we see a lot of progress.


Good Luck to you!

Fly and Sweep's Mom



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