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Feedback Thank you RE: 2 Training issues


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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to thank everyone with the feedback I received yesterday regarding the 2 training issues I am dealing with, with Camie my BC 3 year old.

I have to tell you I went home with the new attitude of "nothing in life is for free" and it has already made a difference. Camie is already calmer and is being more obeident. I knew I was doing a lot right but I was getting lazy and she was really taking advantage of it. (Of course if that was me I would do the same thing!) :rolleyes:

I also shared with my family this same attitude and I am trying to teach them the same technique so we will all be on the same page with her and giving her the same message. I am sure my older dog Quil will be very happy as well when I get Camie to quit jumping on her completly. (Camie and I moved into our family a little over a year ago)

I have had 3 wonderful dog companions in my life before Camie, but I have always had single dogs and having a senior with a young dog is a new experience. I have never had a BC before and I am constantly amazed at how quick they are in all aspects of their lives. What a wonderful animal! I take Camie and Quil on walks with me quite often and Camie goes with me when I ride my horse Dusty (Quil can't keep up anymore). She is always right with me and even when we ride she is right by our side or herding us down the trail. I had her off leash the second day I got her and she has never ran off, I still am amazed at how quickly she has bonded to me and how that is a forever gift that she gives me day after day.

Thanks again,


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