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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

I've got a dog with kennel cough here that really needs some cough syrup about now. All I have is Robitussin CF on hand. Does anyone know if that is okay to use or if I should wait until tomorrow when I can snag some DM? The only additional ingredient in the CF is Pseudoephedrine HCl and I am not sure if that is okay to give to dogs or not. Anyone?

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I ran a search on the net and it kinnda sounds you might not want to risk the Pseudoephedrine.








Do you have some honey you can give the poor dog? It sure helped mine this spring when he had what I suspect was KC. Honey and cough syrup.

Hope the pup feels better soon!

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I would NOT give pseudoephedrine to a dog -- it's what's in Sudafed, which is why Sudafed is only available behind the counter most places. It's one of the things you use to make crystal meth.


I have bad pollen allergies and Sudafed is one of my favorite meds to take when I'm red and stuffy, because it dries you right up but it's also a major upper.

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

No honey on hand here. The dog is quiet for now so we're off to bed. I will pick up some DM tomorrow. Thanks for your help, Anda! I did a quick search but I didn't come up with nearly the info that you did. 'Preciate it!

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

Yeah, I know about Psuedoephedrine being linked to meth as I have a degree in Forensic Science and the department I did my internship with had numerous meth lab busts while I was 'on duty' there. I just wasn't sure if it was okay for a dog or not. I actually found one place where a woman said her vet actually recommended the CF formula for kennel cough. I wanted to double check that to see if anyone here had any insight.

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