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It's possible

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Thanks everyone. But after all that my parents told me last night that Black Jack would feel like he was left out with the new pup. I know that's not right since I had planned on doing different things with both of them. Like jogging with Black Jack since he loves it so much. But I think it was just because they don't want another dog. I'll have to see how it goes. I didn't get to take them to the park so they haven't met yet. If I had my own place I would already have her. It doesn't look good as far as getting her. But at least she will get a good home either way. Oh well. She just seemed so perfect for him and I :rolleyes:

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AJ, when the time is right, you'll get that second dog - whether it's Piper or another. I do hope that it still works out for you to get her.


I still live at home for a number of reasons. Anytime I talked about getting a second dog there was always some reason why it wouldn't work or be a good idea. And then my dad had seen a grey BC and often said, well, when you do get one, it has to be grey. Of course, color was down toward the bottom of the list of things that were important to me, and there was no way I was going choose my next dog based on color.


And then one thing led to another and last year I ended up with Kipp - who is not grey and does have most everything I was looking for in a second dog. My family really likes the little guy, and the timing ended up being perfect.


After almost a year with 2 dogs, I'm thinking about dog #3. But I'm pretty sure that's going to have to wait until I find my own place next year.

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Gosh, AJ, I'm sorry. It seems you might just have to move out before adding a second dog.


As for BlackJack feeling left out, that's not going to happen. Dogs are pack animals, and I believe they do best with a dog friend in the house. Don't worry, though, someday it'll work out.

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