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calming signals?


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Ooookay, so we have our first sheepdog trial coming up. I have concerns not just about my dog's performance- this is her maiden run, but even more so, MY performance. I am already nervous. Any advice out there about a game plan to remain calm, thusly, exude this to my dog? She can do what I will be asking, I simply need to be in the zone to ask her, and not have her feed off my nerves....

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Some folks recommend alcohol. Single malt whiskey is considered most authentic, I believe.


I don't drink, so maybe that's my problem with nerves and other anxieties at the post and elsewhere...

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When my two open dogs were pups I taught them a “settle” command. It just means relax; I taught it by cradling them in my arms (when they were 8 weeks) with them on their back. As soon as they relaxed I let them up. Now when I say it they put their head down and just relax. I have been lazy with my young dogs but i am going back to teaching this.


This year I decided to try using the settle before I sent them on the gather. I give them a soft pat and quietly say "settle". I realize this is VERY touchy feely and not usually my style, but hey whatever works. I am also very much for the single malt suggestion.


Lana Rowley


PS Blue screamed and fought for weeks when i was teaching him this but Kell took right to it.

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Here is a very detailed protocol for teaching relaxation that is intended for troubled dogs; it works just as well on normal dogs. The short version is that you reward the dog for being calm and happy. Since dogs are transparent, if they look calm and happy, they are calm and happy. At the end you can call up the behavior on command unless the dog is under extreme duress. Sounds crazy, but it does work.




I don't have nerves going to the post. I don't know exactly why. Part of it is that I don't really care if we place or not, I mean, it's nice but that's not why we're out there. The other part is that let's face it, probably everyone there has already seen some pretty crazy stuff at other trials so the odds that we're going to do any worse are low. Finally, I tend to think that most folks aren't paying attention to us anyway. My hat is not very large, so people don't usually make a point of watching when I run a dog. Just relax and have fun. You'll do fine.

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Hey, Melanie, could you send me one more survey form? I messed up the one you sent for Megan so I will use the second one (for Celt) for her, but I wouldn't mind doing one for Celt if I get another blank one.


The survey was fine but I made a mess of it, I think.



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This is my first time at the post. I read the piece that Don McCaig put together last night, which helped a lot. I think as long as I go in calmly, my girl will too. I hope. We can't work sheep today, as I saw that she cut her pad (she was bleeding) and I want her to have time for it to heal up. If she is limping on Sun, we won't go. Anyway, thanks for the support. If you all hear of someone falling down with a coronary at a trial this weekend, while her dog holds the sheep to her, that may just be me :rolleyes:


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If you all hear of someone falling down with a coronary at a trial this weekend, while her dog holds the sheep to her, that may just be me :rolleyes:



It won't matter if you are on your feet or prone - the dog will bring the sheep. Therefore, it behooves you to remain on your feet...

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I particularly like the use of the word beHOOVES you.... Since I been there, done that, - that is, been on the ground, and had my dog bring me the sheep- was slow to get up, until I realized my dog that the sheep would be nice standing on me...


Um, I have been doing some thinking. Since one of my concerns is that we will stick out like a sore thumb, here are some things I have thought would be good for our run

1) As we walk up to the post, turn around and tell everyone that the complimentary coffee/breakfast truck just arrived, and it's first come first served

2) Announce that I just saw a loose black and white dog hawking around the free breakfast truck

3) Ask if anyone "heard" that??? It came from back there- and point at the parking lot

4) Bring a working wand that is 15 feet long... Don't know what it will do, but it will be bigger than anyone else's, so who knows?

5) The coup de gras- tell everyone that the porta potty is leaving in 3 mins...


Anyone else have any suggestions :rolleyes: ?


It won't matter if you are on your feet or prone - the dog will bring the sheep. Therefore, it behooves you to remain on your feet...
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It'll be my first N/N trial too, so at least we'll both be first-timers and you won't stick out like a sore thumb. (I'm running two dogs in both trials, so together we're almost like a whole sore hand, LOL!) I'm trying not to be nervous, but I have been nervous since I mailed in my entry and there was no turning back.

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okay megan

we will have to hold hands- wonder twin powers ACTIVATE!



It'll be my first N/N trial too, so at least we'll both be first-timers and you won't stick out like a sore thumb. (I'm running two dogs in both trials, so together we're almost like a whole sore hand, LOL!) I'm trying not to be nervous, but I have been nervous since I mailed in my entry and there was no turning back.
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Good Luck, Julie & Megan! I'll be where you are in about a month. I decided to take the plunge into USBCHA novice/novice with Haley & Dryden and enter 2 trials. I found out today that the first one got cancelled due to lack of entries...So I have to mail in my entry for Haley for the second one tomorrow. Dryden doesn't quite have the length of outrun needed for this trial.


Going to work on the relax or settle command. Haley literally gets so tight she quivers when we are at the post. Anyone else have this problem?


Julie - give Lucy a hug for me! I read your post about her pad. I also like your idea about announcing the black & white dog at the breakfast trailer! Can I borrow that one??? LOL!!


Liz K.

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