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Cooking and animal husbandry

Guest pax

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Sweetpea has a little abcess on her side, I don't know what it's from. It's oozing a little normal fluid. I've been hot packing it on and off today and just now I was making something else and I really didn't want to have to do it so I reached down and smeared a fingerful of beef demi-glaze all over her boo-boo. She is now licking it off steadily. Perfect...a little gentle massage, a little moist heat, maybe this thing will pop soon and it'll be all good.


(Don't worry, I washed my hands THOROUGHLY before I went back to cooking. And typing. :rolleyes: )

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But sensible...


I have a neighbor with an ancient BC who had a big old tumor on his chest. The dog performed his own surgery, and ate that tumor. The owner cleaned out the wound, but let his dog continue to tend it, and it has healed up with no recurrence so far. I would have brought a vet into that picture, had it been my dog, but it's still interesting.

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EEEWWW!!!!!! to both of your post :rolleyes: It does sound like a good idea though. I bet she'll be happy it's gone.


I think I would have brought a vet into that too, but to each is own I guess.

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