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Awww puppies

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Last Friday the shelter I work at got 8 BC/Shepard/mix pups and they're Mom in. they're really cute but we still have them separated to make sure they don't have parvo. We should know by Wednesday. Then we can adopt them out. Most of them already have homes when they're cleared. They all look liek different breeds though. One looks like a rott, one looks like a german shepard, and the one pup (my favorite) looks like a BC. He's really funny. He whines and whines until I hold him or play with him. They're only about six weeks old I think. Those little (sharp) teeth, and paws. I can't wait to see them full grown. One even looks kind of like Mandy (other post) I'll post pictures of them tomorrow :rolleyes:

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Guest WoobiesMom

The shelter staff tell me that Woobs' littermates (2 of them) looked nothing like him at all. Funny how many varieties you can get w/in the same litter! Can't wait to see the pups!

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