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How much pressure is too much?

Guest Wendy V

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Guest Wendy V

Hello, again,


Got a 10 month old who is a real cracker, but still buzzing his sheep terribly at times. I hate to charge in and back him off, which I have done with short-lived results, but I also hate the way he treats his sheep when he gets in too close. My attempts to stop him before he gets in too close (on a small fetch) are moderetly successful, but proggessing. I can now call him off sheep without ado and he no longer pulls on lead when walking towards and away from sheep, so more progress there.


My question is: how much leeway do I give him, due to age? How much to back him off his sheep? I feel like I am working one extreme or the other and haven't found the right balance yet.




Wendy V

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Guest Amanda

If you hate the way a dog treats his sheep, do something about it. Sheep dog training is not for sheep abuse and it's bad to let your dog get the hang of that--practice makes perfect. Imagine perfecting sheep abuse. Do not let him have a big fetch until you resolve the issue at hand. Be very successful at stopping him from all the commotion before you let him feel the liberation of distance.

If you really want to give him lots of leeway due to age, maybe he is too young to train. If he's just being puppy goofy, that may well be so.

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