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starting to work?


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hi everyone



Suggestions needed on size of pen to start my girl working these dog broke sheep. I would like to use a pen just so we don't have any hight tailing across the several acres when we start. Any suggestions are welcomed. Lucy has been worked a lot, and a bit on these sheep- not sure about these in particular.




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There's no time like the present.

You can't learn it any younger.


We worked the sheep no wrecks; things went pretty smoothly, and the sheep behaved like sheep. It was good. Very good. Lucy layed in the kiddie pool afterward, and then had a nice big roll in the grass.



hi everyone

Suggestions needed on size of pen to start my girl working these dog broke sheep. I would like to use a pen just so we don't have any hight tailing across the several acres when we start. Any suggestions are welcomed. Lucy has been worked a lot, and a bit on these sheep- not sure about these in particular.




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Sounds like it worked just fine. You'll get more confidence the more you work them. Remember to make up little jobs so it doesn't get stale for Lucy OR the sheep. Put out grain in different places. Try to divide the sheep into groups at a gate and take away one of the groups. Put out a bucket and pretend your life depends on getting the sheep to go around the bucket - or just stand quietly near it - whatever your level of training dictates. Don't get locked into "trial" stuff. Trust me, the more you work on "different" stuff, the more ready your dog will be ready for whatever a trial will throw at her.


And if I'd follow my own advice, I'd be waving at you all from under my Big Hat. :rolleyes: But then, I've got this thing called a Life constantly barging in . . .


Have fun!

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This sounds like what we need. I have done considerable boring stuff, and need to actually have her do some work. I was thinking of having her fetch them from the bigger field- it is perimeter fenced, and this is unknown territory to dog and sheep. My biggest worry was that these sheep weren't dog broke enough not to want to go through the fence... Turns out they are. They aren't overly dogged, but useful enough for my young whipper snapper.

I will also get her to put them in their paddock- that's a neat thing right? Hmmm.. If anyone else has anymore suggestions, they are greatly appreciated! Also, if anyone is up in this neck of the woods- you are more than welcome to come by :D



Sounds like it worked just fine. You'll get more confidence the more you work them. Remember to make up little jobs so it doesn't get stale for Lucy OR the sheep. Put out grain in different places. Try to divide the sheep into groups at a gate and take away one of the groups. Put out a bucket and pretend your life depends on getting the sheep to go around the bucket - or just stand quietly near it - whatever your level of training dictates. Don't get locked into "trial" stuff. Trust me, the more you work on "different" stuff, the more ready your dog will be ready for whatever a trial will throw at her.


And if I'd follow my own advice, I'd be waving at you all from under my Big Hat. :rolleyes: But then, I've got this thing called a Life constantly barging in . . .


Have fun!

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