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Farm Vehicle herds?


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I was wondering if any of you who spend time working your dogs on various farms, have any tips or tricks to getting your dogs to respect the tires of a moving vehicle. My older dog tends to stay out of the way for the most part, but my new puppy (8 months of age) still tends to think wheeled vehicles need to be barked at and/or run in front of, which is clearly quite dangerous.


Any advice would be appreciated.


And if there is any advice out there to change a pups perception of a horse from "barkbarkbarkbark" target to a good time that he gets to go riding with, it would be wonderful as well.



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This will work but you may think it's mean. Still, I think it's meaner to allow a

bad habit to develope they may get your dog killed.

You and a friend get into any vehicle. Both of you are armed with pepsi cans

with two or three pebbles inside. When the dog comes too near or barks at

your tires you can "discourage" him with a pepsi can. You have to have a good

aim. It won't hurt him but the sound will startle him. Make sure you actually

make contact or he may get the idea you are starting a new game.

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