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We are about to start herding lessons with a trainer of all dogs but mostly BCs. We have Aussies. Is there some prep work we can be doing while she is getting her new facility up and running? We do have Vergil Holland's book; Pope's book and a video by Steve Winn working a Kelpie and Aussies. We have 4 Aussies but want to start training with our 2 1/2 yr old female; then 3 yr old male and then 3 yr old female. We have some sheep but they aren't dog broke so we haven't started with them yet. We have a round pen and some fenced off acre fields we could practice on. Thanks. This is a great place for our dogs and us to learn. Narita

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Jack Knox will say that a pup needs to know three things before going to stock - his/her name, a recall, and respect for his/her handler. I expect it wouldn't hurt to also have a down but remember that all bets can be off when a dog with instinct is first exposed to stock.


I would also suggest that your dog(s) are fit. Stockwork is a physical challenge as well as a mental challenge, and an unfit dog will become exhausted more quickly both physically and mentally, as well as be more prone to injury.


Best wishes and enjoy!

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