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Do clubs ever work?


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We have a number of clubs here in Australia, it is more common than private trainers. I watched someone I know bring a pup to start last night. She has no experience, so was looking for help.


The pup is super keen. It's first experience was someone taking it in on a line and holding it back from the sheep, while it tried to get to them. Very keen pup, a heap of eye & pretty stylish looking. Once the line was droppped the pup was pretty nice, very keen but nothing too foolish.


Next time around, a guy steps in to help & starts working teh pup. He took the line off & used a rake to block the dog from getting to the sheep at all. Within about a minute the dog was looking to get out of the yard & refusing to show any interest in the sheep at all for either him or its owner.


Later I went & found the girl & offered some advice. "Put your pup away for a while & spend some time watching people work their dogs. Find yourself someone whose method appeals to you & whose dogs you find impressive. Then until you feel confident making some decisions, only take advice from that person. Never let someone you don't know just come in & take your dog to work it."


I really felt for her, she was so confused and upset, quite a contrast to her excitement at the beginning of the day. Not only had she been told completely contradictory things by 2 different people, but she was now worried that her keen pup didn't want to work anymore (which I assured her wouldn't be the case). I went through this a bit (actually a lot), when I started. Everyone wanted to come & "help", everyone knew just what my dog needed. Their methods were all different & I was naive enough to try them all, to the detriment of my dog. Then I went through a stage where I was competent enough that people didn't feel the need to interfere & so I just did my own thing, right or wrong. Now I am starting a pup & have chosen a person I respect & whose dogs I am very impressed by. My plan now is to follow their method & the steps they train. I will continue to learn from everyone I see, but am quite comfortable saying, thanks but we are working on "x" right now.


I guess this kind of thing happens everywhere? I am thinking of sending an email to the girl, just to reassure her...if anyone has any words of wisdom to add, they would be much appreciated.



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I think you gave her great advice. Nothing is worse for a novice than having to try to sort through a bunch of contradictory advice--not to mention not knowing whose advice to follow. Give her all the encouragement you can, and if possible, recommend trainers to her that you know are well respected.



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Thanks Julie for your support & advice,


I had a word with the person in charge of the club today & things are going to change for the better. You're right, it is hard to know who to take advice from, especially when you don't even know what looks right.


Hopefully I will be able to add a PS to this post letting you know how well they are doing really soon.



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