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first time at the handler's post


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I posted at the first of June when Jill (2yrs) and I started training.


We went to the post for our first time this weekend. How exciting!!


I sent Jill on her outrun, she got 1/2 way there and saw the bright white fetch panel that would be used later for PN and OR. She kinda balked and then CROSSED OVER and then started RINGING the sheep! ARRRRGGHHHH!! The sheep were kinda flighty and then ended up being split and two ran for the hills. Needless to say I went to get my dog, and walked off the field, highly disappointed.


I then found out there was a second day to the trial!!


We went to the post Sunday morning. I sent her on her outrun, she saw that fetch panel, kicked out and completed an AWESOME outrun. From there it just continued to go well, and we won our novice class.



I AM SO PROUD of my dog!!


So yes, the bug has bit me harder

Hope to see y'all at future trials.




P.S. EVERYONE we met this weekend was so helpful, friendly and willing to give advice. The BC network should be proud of their community.

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Congrats! That's really awesome. My first run at my first trial, my dog (trained by me here on the farm) did a beeeyootiful outrun, then slammed into the back of the sheep when he realized how light they were (I raise quite heavy commercial wools and these were barb crosses), grabbed one and rode it almost all the way to the post. I was so ashamed, I collected him and didn't show my face on a trial field for months.


The next time, Ben did a very nice job and we completed the course, but Tom Lacy, who was judging, met me on the way out and kindly explained that when you miss a panel you don't have to "unwind" it like they'd been doing at the post. He was awfully nice about it.

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If I wasn't so doggoned envious of your lovely run on Sunday, I'd say "congratulations". Well, congrats anyway! That was wonderful that you came back the second day and gave it another try and did so well. Best wishes!

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Thanks y'all!



We took Trey with us and he had a good time too, except he didn't like seeing those sheep out there with other dogs working them!! So as soon as we got home, we worked him for a little while.

Peyton still says he only wants to work Trey at home/on the farm, but he wants me to go ahead and trial him because then he'll be an even better farm dog. But I'm still working on HIM being the handler at the post


We hope to go to Carol Ann Tholkes's place Sept.10th and both dogs will hopefully be in the novice class--whoever the handler may be.




p.s. Diane, Trey's papers arrived today and the post office had DESTROYED your envelope--the pics and his papers have HUGE rips in them. Peyton is SO angry. The torn up stuff was in a US Post office envelope with a "sorry about this" note. Maybe the ABCA can make a new set of papers for him when we send in the transfer. Grrrrrr..........

Peyton really enjoyed the pics (even though they are messed up).

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How bad are the pixs....I hope not too bad. You got the originals!! Once you transfer his papers you will get a new set. How bad are his CERF paper?


I bet he screamed/yelled when Jill was worked. I took him to a trial and I could hear him holler when I was running my Open dog and Trey was tied to the truck over 200 plus yds away. Everyone was happy to let me know that Trey had a fine set of lungs!!


Tell Peyton to step up to the darn post with his own dog!! :rolleyes:


If you want another dog of your own to go to the post, I have Trey uncle or Aunt for sale. They are 16 weeks old and driving the sheep and chickens crazy!!



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