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Newbie disc jam vid

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hello to all, this is my first post, hopefully disc topics are allowed here. Here is a you tube vid of me and Isis the border collie playing disc by the river in troutdale, or. We play 15min er so a day, for the last year or so. Im tring to find a skilled disc dogger in my area for some one on one help so we can take it to the next level. have a nice day cant wait to post more stuff later. border collies rock! hehe :rolleyes:




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Good stuff! Check out K9disc.com if you haven't already. Tons of good training info. Your backhands look great, you might want to consider working on some different releases, e.g., side-arm, overhand wrist flip, etc, to add some variety. Your flips look nice, but you might want to think about throwing the disc just a tad higher and being more consistent in placement. The second one and the last couple looked nice. Isis seems to flip best with the disc fairly vertical and placed directly over her body. Experiment with placing it forwards or backwards along her body. Isis has a nice jump, you can challenge her a bit more. On your overs, get the disc a bit higher so she can really jump for it--right now the placement is too low and making it hard for her to jump. Also rather than doing a take, start to transition to actually spinning the disc a bit and letting go of it so it floats on its own for a few seconds. Make sure you're releasing it early enough when you do this. You should make the throw while Isis is still a stride or two away so she has time to plan her jump for the disc. Tug and rollers are great for rewards and drive building! And one last thing, 15 minutes is a LONG disc traning session. Fifteen minutes a day is quite a lot. My dogs train generally in sessions not much longer than 5 minutes a few times a week. Occasionally I'll train longer, but I'll make sure to give the dog a day or two off after that. Overtraining is a really easy way to kill drive and you want the dog to be absolutely CRAZY for the disc every time you take it out!

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Good stuff! Check out K9disc.com if you haven't already. Tons of good training info. Your backhands look great, you might want to consider working on some different releases, e.g., side-arm, overhand wrist flip, etc, to add some variety. Your flips look nice, but you might want to think about throwing the disc just a tad higher and being more consistent in placement. The second one and the last couple looked nice. Isis seems to flip best with the disc fairly vertical and placed directly over her body. Experiment with placing it forwards or backwards along her body. Isis has a nice jump, you can challenge her a bit more. On your overs, get the disc a bit higher so she can really jump for it--right now the placement is too low and making it hard for her to jump. Also rather than doing a take, start to transition to actually spinning the disc a bit and letting go of it so it floats on its own for a few seconds. Make sure you're releasing it early enough when you do this. You should make the throw while Isis is still a stride or two away so she has time to plan her jump for the disc. Tug and rollers are great for rewards and drive building! And one last thing, 15 minutes is a LONG disc traning session. Fifteen minutes a day is quite a lot. My dogs train generally in sessions not much longer than 5 minutes a few times a week. Occasionally I'll train longer, but I'll make sure to give the dog a day or two off after that. Overtraining is a really easy way to kill drive and you want the dog to be absolutely CRAZY for the disc every time you take it out!


Thank you so much for replying with great feedback! yeah k9disc.com rocks, i read/watch just about everything they have. Ive takin your advice on throwing my flips tosses higher, but it seems ive tought my dog to only jump so high, hehe. When i throw the flip toss up 6in higher she barly catches it or misses it. And like you said my overs are way to low and im still holding it, instead of spinning it at the last sec. I think ive set my dog up for failure, hehe. Im finding every frisbee trick i had down isnt correct, and when i try to flip higher, the dog is like WTF, hehe. And when i try to spin the disc for a over the dog is like WTF, hehe. So i figure its totally a handlers error, i must go back and retrain/practice in the proper way. Thank you so much for the feed back, i just need to take 100 steps back and start from scratch. I know Isis is able to do anything its all about my handleing skills (damn humans, hehe) Ill also watch out for over throwing, maybe 5-10 min of well planned disc, would be better, makes sence to me. I also think i need to practice throwing different throws without the dog, i can barley spin a disc for a over infront of me, the disc wobbles alot (not good, hehe). Thanks again for the info, ill keep in touch with my steps back, and forward progress.

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Yes, it's important to spend a lot of time practicing different throws without the dog. I remember how much trouble I had just spinning the disc in place when I first started. And yes, when you spend a lot of time doing a trick one way and then try to change it, it may take a bit for the dog to adjust. Rather than 6 inches higher, maybe try your flip throws 3 inches higher and gradually build up. From what I saw, she has the hops for it. Work on spinning the disc for your overs and rather than spinning "at the last second" spin it while she's a stride or two away. If the disc moves slightly at the last second she'll miss it, but if she's a stride or two away when you make the toss she'll have enough time to adjust for it, even if it is a little wobbly. If you have particular questions, feel free to PM me. I don't check these boards much anymore but I'll get email alerts of a PM. K9disc has gone through a lot of technical changes in the past year or so, and I think has lost a lot of people who used to post regularly. Hopefully it gets built back up though.

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