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The Sheep and the 'Click' (*Long*)


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Well, it turns out we had to cancel the lesson this past weekend for two reasons: Ken was haying, and Mollie's pads on her front feet are peeling, badly.


I'm not sure what caused it (I've never seen this before with any of my dogs!) but the skin is coming off in thick sections. It happened last Thursday (almost a week after the sheep experience) when she jumped into a puddle-slash-river during a walk. She was hobbling around for the first couple of days but is walking fine now. I put a light layer of vaseline on the offending pads for one night but otherwise have left them alone.


Now she's going to have to re-callous them *sigh*. But I'm worried about it happening again - anybody seen this before and, if so, what did you do?

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I think this is pretty common. My dog has done the same, both working stock (really dry ground, I guess?) and at a tennis court. He hobbled for a couple of days, but then was fine. I didn't do anything special for the pads, but let him take it easy.

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Well, it turns out we had to cancel the lesson this past weekend for two reasons: Ken was haying, and Mollie's pads on her front feet are peeling, badly.


I'm not sure what caused it (I've never seen this before with any of my dogs!) but the skin is coming off in thick sections. It happened last Thursday (almost a week after the sheep experience) when she jumped into a puddle-slash-river during a walk. She was hobbling around for the first couple of days but is walking fine now. I put a light layer of vaseline on the offending pads for one night but otherwise have left them alone.


Now she's going to have to re-callous them *sigh*. But I'm worried about it happening again - anybody seen this before and, if so, what did you do?



I've had this happen lots of time. It's usually from the dog running too hard, and having wet feet (whether from water or if their feet sweat). They usually heal up within a couple of days. The best way I've found to avoid it is be aware of when their feet may be wet, and if she's running hard, stop her every few minutes and check the feet. When they start to get little tears around the edges it's time to stop before the pad starts peeling.

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