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Female Aussie just off today


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We take 2 dogs to training every Wednesday. The normally cooperative female was really off today. She seemed to be in another world and didn't listen to her trainer. She had been in a fight with another female on Monday. She is also playing with this female's four 11-week old pups who love her and she them. Could she be off because of the stress of the fight and the puppies? Also she might be coming into heat herself. The mom of the pups seems to be coming in too. Thanks.

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Any of those things could make her a bit off in her work. Most of my bitches work fine through a heat cycle, but I now have one youngster who seems to lose her mind at that time. So it's possible. If she's off in other ways, or it continues beyond a heat cycle I'd have her checked by the vet.



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I now have one youngster who seems to lose her mind at that time.


You should definitely cull that one. Send her here. :rolleyes:

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Not trying to hijack the thread, but Julie, what exactly does your young one do when she loses her mind? Tikkle just had her third heat cycle; the first two were no deal, but this one! Just as she was coming out, it was as if her IQ dropped about 75 points. I swear she had cotton batting or oatmeal between her ears. When I would work her, she would just look at me like she'd never heard any of that stuff before. At first I seriously thought she was losing her hearing. Then she acted like she was having hot flashes (I can relate!)--she would barely start to work, and was seeking the pond--no tongue hanging out or anything, just hot. Of course, this was all just two weeks before finals (great timing). When trying to work her, I found myself singing the song from the Wizard of OZ--If I Only Had a Brain! She is slowly coming out of it now, a month later, but what a pain! None of my other girls has ever had any issue with their cycle, and I hope this was just a fluke. I can't do this twice a year; it's too frustrating.



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