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Congratulations to Dana and Sophie

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Shout out to Dana (3dogslater) and the ever-fluffy Sophie on earning their Silver Award of Merit (AAC agility) this past weekend. That's 25 Masters Standard Qs and 50 Masters Games Qs - wow! Well done, you two!


Also, pets to Chester, who is the most handsome non-Bear dog, and is my favourite dog to watch in agility. :rolleyes:

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Thanks everybody! Silver is a milestone I didn't think I'd reach with my little rescue girly and now we're aiming for Gold. Sophie has taught me an awful lot about training soft but bitchy dogs, and about humility...or humiliation depending on the run. Thanks to MrSnappy for the breed id on Sophie's mom, and airbear for Sophie's breed name :D Sophie has been such a fun partner in agility and rally and everything else we've dabbled in, my crazy little woowooo dog!


I guess it's safe to say she is the #1 Agility Malapie - nobody else in their right mind would want a Kelpie/Malamute! :rolleyes:


Chester loves his fans and I swear he runs just a little bit faster when he knows people are watching him. He's such a showoff. Next time we're at a trial, airbear can run him in Jumpers!

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Next time we're at a trial, airbear can run him in Jumpers!

No, airbear will *not* be running Chester in Jumpers. Airbear has surgically repaired knees and enjoys being upright. :rolleyes: Airbear also somewhat afraid of horses, of which Chester most certainly is. Will continue to admire Chester from afar. Love the African Mastiff!

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Huge Congratulations! :rolleyes: What an achievement!

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