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Agility Update for Tempe

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Surprisingly, Tempe was allowed to "graduate" from the beginner's agility class to intermediate 1. We actually missed the last class in beginner's but Tempe was doing well up until then so they gave us permission to move up.


Anyways, we had the 1st class last week. In beginner's Tempe was terrified of the teeter but with some help from here and a friend we got Tempe to at least do the teeter even though she would launch off of it but at least it was a start. Well this past week, she actually did the teeter AND I could actually stop her on the contacts. I was amazed she was not freaking out. Now I know that next week she may decide she is afraid again but I was proud of Tempe last week.


Agility has been slowly helping Tempe's overall confidence which is great. She can be so fearful of anything at anytime and you never know what it may be... even my husband has noticed a slight difference and that is saying something.


Agility is not my cup of tea per se but Tempe seems to enjoy it most of the time. I guess her and I will have to keep taking classes for awhile.

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