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Texas 2 Step Agility

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Hey guys... :rolleyes: My pups and I are wanting to start agility training this summer and we're looking into buying some equipment. I came across the Texas 2 Step Agility site several weeks back and really liked their stuff (and I'm in TX already), but their site has been "temporarily disabled" since then. Does anyone know why, and if not, anywhere else to refer me to?


Thanks all!! :D

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No, but I have been wondering the same thing.

They have really good equipment, and if you don't have to pay shipping, pretty cheap - I was very sad when I couldn't get back to their site!!

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How far would you be willing to purchase the equipment from? Shipping I've found is the 'killer' when it comes to buying the equipment. Actually, the only obstacles I bought were the broad jump, open tunnel and the weave poles....we built our jumps, a-frame, pause table, closed tunnel and we're doing the teeter this summer. Most of it is really quite simple to build.


If you'd rather buy, there are a couple sites I can direct you to:


NTI Global


Affordable Agility


Arf And Running


Max 200


Hopefully you find one of these worthwhile. :rolleyes:

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MAD agility (just google it and it comes up) has REALLY cheap equipment, and even though they are on the opposite end of the country from me that is still where I am buying equipment.


There is also "Agility for Less" which is pretty good...

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