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border collie math

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Feel like doing some math? :D Here you go (real life example, fresh from today!):


A human with two border collies, let's call them Kessie and Kyla, walks a round trip of about 10 kilometers' length. Lets assume that each dog walks three times as far during the same time (running back and fourth and sideways).

Both dogs have one crap during that walk. The walk (30 km for each dog) includes a 20 meters long zone opposite some houses where the dogs aren't supposed to crap.


a. What's the probability of one of the dogs crapping on those forbidden 20 meters?


b. What is the probability of BOTH dogs crapping on the g*dd*mn 20 meters?


ANSWERS to both a. and b. : A hundred frigging percent of course, they're border collies :rolleyes: .


The only thing that still surprises me about them is that they manage to look so innocent all the time :D .

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Chuck swears that Fergie holds it until we are not just in one of those forbidden areas until someone comes out to see her do it.


That's why he always carries plastic bags. Besides, they are handy for all the other crap along the neighborhood roads.

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Yes, the buggers do it on purpose, don't they!! All the time they're giving you cute smiles, they're looking out for opportunities like that :D .


When we got near those houses, I actually thought about putting them on a leash for those few meters precisely because of that, but then I thought "Yikes, now you're really getting paranoid" and left it :rolleyes: .


But even the best plans can have their little faults...nobody was actually watching. If they had kept it for the parking lot (which they were probably doing, since none of us knew that there were any houses along that particular piece of trail), they would have had their audience.

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I know they do! When I take Black Jack to the park in town he always holds it until someone stops to talk then stops and poops, and takes FOREVER!!!! Then if your out of baggies your the bad dog owner. (I have been there) They seem to like to make people watch them poop in town, but at home your not supposed to look :rolleyes:

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Or if you are walking down a street where there are people outside at only one house -- that, of course, is the house they choose to relieve themselves at. Or the busiest corner underneath the only streetlight . . . or the neighbor's house who hates dogs . . . :rolleyes:


That's the reason I carry 3 - 4 poop bags, a flashlight and a small spray bottle filled with water -- it calms even the most uptight neighbor if you make such diligent efforts to clean up after your pup. :D

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We have neighbours like that as well, but I just walk in the opposite direction with Kessie. If anyone's going to crap in that garden, it's me! Too good to delegate.


Kyla is like Jack, she takes forever to get finished... and she walks around during that procedure. :rolleyes:


It's obviously an international conspiracy. Or maybe embarrassed poop-scooping humans are just too cute to resist?

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