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Saturday I stopped at the feed store to pick up a couple bales of hay. I had Minnie with me. The old girl needs a boost to get in, and a lift to get out of the cab of my my pick-up these days. Since I was in a hurry I left her in there with the windows 3/4 open. She loves to go to the feed store. Most of the cashiers there know her and offer her treats for perfoming her repertoire of tricks, which she is more than willing to do.


I paid the cashier and went back out to the parking lot to pull over to the hay barn... and Minnie was gone! I dashed around the busy parking lot in a blind panic calling her. My first thought was that she was stolen, there was no other way for her to have gotten out of the truck. All kinds of terrible scenarios were playing out in my frantic mind as I asked every person I saw "have you seen a little white dog around here?!". Finally a man in the store handing out dog food samples said he had seen her come in the store. He thought she belonged to the man he had seen her come in with. I found her there, in aisle 1 happily munching on the biscuits she had pilfered from the bulk biscuit bin on the bottom shelf. How she managed to climb up and out through the open window and jump down a good five feet to escape the cab still amazes me.

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Cocoa opens the sliding window in the back of the cab when she decides she is tired of waiting for me. I once had to drop something off at a neighbors and left her in the cab. I was startled when I came out their door and she was waiting on the porch for me. The smarty pants.



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The same kind of thing happened to me last year with Thunder. My other dogs never jump over the back seat in my Tahoe to even get near the windows, and would NEVER have jumped out a window, so I guess I got a little bit complacent about how far down I could leave my windows. I parked at the edge of the road and went into the bank. I had just stuck my card in and entered my number when I glanced at the window and thought "huh, there's a dog out there", then did a double take "Wait a minute!! That's MY dog!" I hit cancel, grabbed my card and ran out the door. I guess he had watched me go into the bank and was trying to figure out how to get to me so he was hanging around the door. Also VERY lucky he jumped out on the sidewalk side, not the road side of the truck (it's a fairly quiet small town road, but still, the thought of him jumping out into traffic made me cringe) I found some very faint scratched on the paint that indicated which window he went out. Lesson learned (luckily without injury) , now I only crack the windows a bit when he's in the truck and I park.

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I had a couple of those experiences LOL. Many years ago when my bc mix Kipper was alive I use to have a Mercury Capri with a removable sunroof. One evening when I was seeing my then BF (now husband) off to the airport Kipper decided he needed to see what was going on and we found him standing on top of the car as he had climbed out the sunroof! Fortunately I had driven him to a local hotel for the airport shuttle and there was no traffic in the parking lot.


The second incident was when my old man Ashe was young about a year old I guess, again with the Capri--dont know what was with that car LOL. My son was in his car seat in the back and Ashe was in the front seat. As it was a warm summer day I had the car windows open. I had to stop at a traffic light and for some reason known only to him Ashe hopped out the window!!! :D:rolleyes: Fortunately we lived in a small town and on his side was the front lawn of someones house and there was no cross traffic. I was so shocked all I could do was stare at him for a moment while he stared back at me wagging his tail -LOOK WHAT I CAN DO MOM!! eeeekkkkk I said to him in a rather shocked stern voice "What are you doing! Get back in the car!" Where upon he hopped back through the window, the light turned green and off we went as if nothing had happened and he never did it again. That was how I earned my first grey hair!!

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BC's aren't the worlds smartest dogs for nothing. My story isn't car related. Riley was probably 5 months old or so...he loves ice cubes. We have a fridge with water and ice dispenser on the front...we hit the paddle on the front and give him and ice cube.


I was in the living room next to the kitchen one night..reading the paper...I hear the ice maker and water go off and on several times. I thought it was my wife. I looked down the end of the house and there is my wife.


I thought oh..%*...I looked over at the fridge..Riley is standing on his back legs and his front paws are banging the water and ice dispencer...he was soaked and there was ice everywhere.


What could you do but just stand there and laugh.


Thank God the dispenser has a lock on it.

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She knew where she was going, it seems! :rolleyes: She must have wondered why you seemed so flustered when she was happily munching on free food!


One of my dogs jumped out the window of a moving car, once. Thank God we were on a back road and going no faster than 10 mph. The window was only a little less than half open - I still can't believe he made it through....

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