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Just adopted a puppy then found yall!

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Hello all,


We've just adopted a puppy from the local shelter and I was so excited to find such a dedicated and active community. from OMG! SHE ATE A CINNAMON SCENTED PINECONE!! :D I can tell that yall really dedicated to your dogs. We have now two girls - Skye, 7 mo white lab, and the newly adopted Clover, 7 wk BC. My mom has been very scared of animals ever since ....forever. We never had anything furry animals around house...it was either fish or turtle. I don't remember what happened but somehow my sister and I conviced her to buy us a new bunny and it turned into a dog! It's been several months now and I've seen my mom open up so much towards Skye that she can pet her without a kitchen glove and even wanting to adopt Clover.


She's all about the new puppy these days and I am truly amazed how quickly they learn and get attached to people. After cleaning and handpicking several hundred fleas :rolleyes: and several vet visits and shots for diarrhea bugs Clover is as lively as ever! They learn so quick and mom already got her to sit and potty train already. She very fond of us and absolutely hilarious...when she saw my sister coming home from school she ran towards her in our front yard and accidentally fell off the curb and rolled into the large rain gutter!


I actually had several things in mind to ask everyone...since we adopted both of our dogs from local shelter I wasn't sure what breed she was. Do they usually call them mixes by default? Clover has a ton of freckles on her muzzle and paws. I read some posts saying that freckles could be aus cattle dog or is it something normal in border collies? Her coat is long, wavy and rough and has the regular white markings. Also some of her litter mates have bigger white patches and one was red.





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Hello and Welcome!


I actually had several things in mind to ask everyone...since we adopted both of our dogs from local shelter I wasn't sure what breed she was. Do they usually call them mixes by default? Clover has a ton of freckles on her muzzle and paws. I read some posts saying that freckles could be aus cattle dog or is it something normal in border collies? Her coat is long, wavy and rough and has the regular white markings. Also some of her litter mates have bigger white patches and one was red.


It probably varies from shelter to shelter, but most shelters aren't expert at identifying dog breeds and do tend to label a dog a mix even when it appears purebred.


Having freckles doesn't mean your dog isn't a pure-BC. Lots of border collies have freckles. Really, though, you should be posting pictures of this little darling so that we can oooh and aaaah and then let you know what we think!

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Welcome! First, congrats to your Mom on overcoming her fears, that's great.


I think lots of shelters label dogs as mixes, simply because they have no proof otherwise. They don't want to be responsible for adopting out a puppy labeled as a purebred whatever, to later get complaints (or heaven forbid, have the dog returned) because the pup grows up looking like something else.


Anyway, as mentioned, lots of border collies have freckles. We'll be able to tell more when you post pics. We love puppies, so bring 'em on!

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Hello and welcome to the boards. You'll find them most helpful as I have.


And about the freckles, have no fear....our Lili is a purebred BC and she is covered with freckles!!!


Enjoy puppyhood because it goes fast.


Can't wait to see pictures.


Here's Lili:




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