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Ok me and my wife were at petsmart and a lady was giving out flyer for a free puppy preschool classes. Well we thought that we would take cooper there so that he could play with some kids closer to his age all he has been playing with are dogs older than him in the neighborhood that abby plays with to that are our friends. well i don't no what this lady had against BC but we made it only to classes and she said that we could not come back because cooper is to mean not agressive. she had complance by the other poeple there. half the time that we werein that class she had him a room

by himself and he was having a gay old time playing with a ball that was in there. i sorry if this sounds like am venting but i don't under the deal with this class the other thing she said is that we need to feed out of our hand till he was a year old want the hell i never had to this abby.

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A lot of people run into problems with Petsmart trainers. I'm not saying all Petsmart trainers are bad, I personally reccomend two of the Petsmart trainers here in Louisville for their wonderful work with dogs. However, they are not always people with the most experience, and best capabilities to deal with dogs. They go through a one week training course on how to train dogs, and thats just about it.


Can you describe what your dog was doing that the trainer interpreted as mean or agressive behavior?


Also, feeding a dog from your hand is not going to make any and all problems go away. It can help with leadership issues, and how fast a dog eats, and numerous other things...but it is not the #1 solution to any and all problems.

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Was he running over the other dogs or something? I have a hard time believeing that he was so bad that you couldn't keep him under control to a point. Plus to put him in a room by himself, and not even try to work with him.


I asked about a class at PetCo in Casper a while ago because I thought it would be a good place to let Black Jack be around some other dogs. They said as soon as she read their book they would start classes. I asked her if that was all she had to do? read a book :rolleyes: come on people. You can't be a trainer after you read one book.

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No one ever said he HAS to play in a group setting,especially if he already has some buddies to play with.BCs have a pretty unique play style at times,some dogs can have a hard time with it...it's easier to 'kick someone out' than manage and educate.

About the only time one has to handfeed (well,when it is REALLY recommended),is when you have an extremely shy dog,ie a puppymill rescue.

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they would have all of the other adults call your dog and give the treats but poeple would bring there little kids and they would just throw treat do at them and would always we picking at him. the frist night of class cooper has this thing against cars and was very mad and tired from being in the car and he went looked around smelled some thing and went an laid do in a corner like he does at home when other dogs would come up to him he was mad and wanted to be left alone and sleep. well a week later we got him better in a car and the trainer singled him out because of the first night of class and then you now the rest of the story we got kicked out of the class . but the second class i thought that he had do much better and was more soical and playing better with the others . this class was at doggy day care that she trains at a not at petsmart she was just giving out the flyers to get poeple to come there.

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Well I would say it's a good thing that you got kicked out (or left) because she doesn't seem like a very good trainer to me. It's always good for him to show improvement though. Maybe you can find another trainer that can work with you, and him. That's what they're for anyway, right?

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