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lady (mix) walks around whining a lot. she has food and water and access to the outside, so what is her problem?


she is too big to sit in my lap so she lays by me with her head in my lap,belly up to be rubbed. although i'm rubbing her she still whines.


can anyone explain this behavior?


lucy lou never whines. she's over a year old and i've heard her whine only once, when she wanted out to see about something outside and her door was closed.


the whining doesn't bother me except to wonder what she wants.

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More exercise?

That was the first thing that popped into my mind.


boredom and looking for something to do can lead to constant whining. The whining is what the dogs do to sort of, in a way, "amuse" themselves.


I don't know how much activity Lady gets so this may not be plausible at all...

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:D I know how frustrating this is but dont really know a cure. Badger has been a whinner for most of his 13 years, i always would respond with lots of attention but found this only made it worse. Now i will ignore him, :rolleyes: very hard to do, I only react when he has stopped for a very short while. I just play with him or give him a big cuddle, I am sure it is just boredom as he dos'nt do it when he has been at work with me all day. I just tell myself its a Border Collie thing :D
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i don't think she is in pain. maybe she is bored,but she has access to the yard and lucy is always available for playing and running. they run together a lot.


i am physically unable to run with her or even walk her. she refuses to go out the front door. we have to force her out when she has to go to the vet.


i'm at aloss. maybe she is just a whiney girl.

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Dogs can get bored in the same ways people can.

If the main thing she does is go play in the yard or run with Lucy that could get boring for her. Changing what they get for exercise (remember - it doesn't have to be physical, mental is just as good!) makes for a much happier dog than a dog that just does the same ol' walk around the bock everyday.


Just because she has room to run and play and get all the physical exercise she could ever want doesn't mean she will or won't get bored with it. :rolleyes: I wouldn't rule out lack of exercise just yet.

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Can you throw a ball while sitting down? That's what I do on my bad days. Also you can do alot of mental excercises with her to help stave off the boredom. Hope that helps.

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