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Dog Food diet

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I came across this on another message board, and thought it was funny enough to pass along:


I received the following from a friend. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.....


I was standing in the line up of the local Wal-Mart, having a very crappy day that wasn't being helped by the length of the line-up.

Under my arm, I had a bag of "****" dogfood, and as I was standing there, the woman behind me asks "Do you have a dog ?". Okay, she was making small talk, but I wasn't in the mood.

"No" I said. "I decided I'd give the "****" diet another try, although after the last time I tried it, you'd think I'd know better".

"The "***" diet ?" She asked, "What is that? "

"Oh !", says I "All you do is keep your pockets and purse full of dog kibble, and everytime you feel hungry, you pop a couple chunks in your mouth. The last time I was on it, I lost 50 lbs"

"Wow !" she said, and everyone else in the line up was now listening intently "But, you said 'you'd think I'd know better', what happened?"

"Well, I woke up in intensive care, with tubes coming in, and tubes going out, I think I had a tube in every hole God gave me, and a few he didn't !" I answered.

"Wow ! Was it due to poisoning ? Did the food make you sick like the recall said ???" She asked, and the tall man at the back strained forward to here my answer.

"Oh, no. Nothing like that ! The food is nutritionally sound. But, I was sitting in the street, licking my butt, when a car struck me. Next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital !"

The tall man fell over...... :rolleyes:

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That's funny! I haven't heard that one before.

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