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It was a 12 hour round trip drive to bring the Washington native back to his home state to his forever home. :rolleyes:


Simon (called Baz by his foster mom), is from TDBCR in Vancouver, BC. I got to meet the softer then satin, Mr. Woo & petite Piper with her o' so shiny white pearly teeth!!


Baz/Simon stayed awake the WHOLE trip home while his new sisters got their beauty sleep the entire way. I can't wait to spend the day with him tomorrow - hopefully it won't be raining!


I plan to rename Baz and the forerunners are Arai (Uh-Rye), Diesel, & my son still likes Simon. I'll probably give it a couple of days to see which if any of these names fit :D



Someone looks HAPPY!

L-R: Jaida, River, Basil/Simon


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YAY!!!! I'm so glad for both Diesel :rolleyes: and you :D He's such a stunning dog! I love your new signature! Thanks for giving this great guy a forever home! Now we'll get to see pics of him often, right (*hint, hint * )?!



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Oh, no way! I was trying to guess who the lucky person was, but I had no idea it was you! Yay! I'm so happy for you and Simon both. :rolleyes: He looks right at home.


I vote to keep him Simon! And please keep the pictures coming. I'm so glad someone from the board adopted him, since I couldn't.

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Yay! There's the Baz Man!!


He was so funny, he was all playing shy and stuff with Jada and River's mum and we were trying to get him excited to show what he is usually like - he was running all over the place when I arrived there ahead of him.


I am so glad you like him, he is such a NEAT dog!!



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Mr. Woo is sooo cute in person. Very full of personality and his ears are priceless.


I think you meant to type "bizarre" not priceless!!


I am so glad you made the trip up and I am really glad he is settling in with you. He is such a cool dog with so much potential. I know you'll be able to draw it out of him!


I hope you read the contract though, because you ARE required to send me River within 10 days. You know his right?



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Congratulations!! Simon is a terrific looking dog and fits right in with the rest of your gang. I vote to keep Simon - but that's because no matter how many great names I come up with for new dogs we get, my family insists on keeping the name they come to us with. :rolleyes: Simon is actually a cool name.

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Well, technically he comes with the name Basil or Baz. His original name for the last year was Bandit, but when his foster mom saw his photo before picking him up she decided she would call him Simon. Upon arrival though, she realized he was more of a Basil and for the last 3 weeks that she's had him, he's been Baz. He was never really called Simon, but the rescue didn't want to confuse people and change his name online. And he never responded to the name Bandit.


So... he's not really attached to any name in particular though he does come/respond to Baz at this time. Basil to Diesel would be a pretty easy transition. I've actually renamed ALL my dogs when I got them, with River's name being her only name since I got her as an 8wk old. All my dogs have learned their new names within 2 days.


One theory to changing a rescue dog's name is because the dog might have bad things associated with the name he came with. However, in this case, I know Basil is a name with only good things attached cuz it came from his foster mom, but I just can't get the english guy from Faulty Towers out of my head with 'Basil'. hehe.

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Hmm. Well, Baz is very cool. Basil -- I think of cooking and, now that you've mentioned it, Fawlty Towers. :rolleyes: I agree about changing the name for association reasons, but like I said, my family just doesn't agree with me. Diesel is a great name, too.


My Allie was apparently "Callie" when she went into rescue, which the rescue then made then made "Allie". I liked Riley or several pages worth of other names, but it was not to be. Oh well.


Congratulations again on your new addition.

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Congrats on getting him! I was trying to think of who was going to get him. More pictures :rolleyes: I'm so happy for you.

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Congrats! Did you steal Piper for me? I need a dog with two sets of teeth!


I like the name Baz as it reminds me of Baz Luhrman, my favorite movie director--a genius with a free spirit!


I know a few Diesels-seems to be an increasingly popular name these days. If I were going with a car-themed name, I'd pick Hemi or Piston or V6. :rolleyes:

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Yay for you and Basil/Simon! I happen to really like the name Simon, but I also like Basil, but only if it weren't shortened to Baz. Diesel just doesn't do much for me, but I think that's because I think it's becoming rather popular right now.


Anyway, whatever you name him, he's lucky to have such a great home, and he, River, and Jaida look like a wonderful trio!



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The DH who has been out of town this last week & weekend just saw the trio pic in his email last night. He said 'Jaida looks like she's saying, "Oh great, another dog to bite me." River likes to grab on her tail and her ears and Jaida lets her. Jaida is the alpha, hehe.


We went to the dog park this morning so it was relatively empty. Diesel has been doing splendidly and has been responding to Diesel - I think because it sounds like Basil :rolleyes: While I generally stray away from 'popular' names (since I'm a Jennifer, gah!) I haven't been able to come up with any other name that seems to suit him.


So... 95% sure he's going to be Diesel. The DH gets to meet him tomorrow night.

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Congratulations! It's a great looking pack! I like the name Simon as well, but only you know if Diesel fits the personality :rolleyes: Whatever you choose, I think I'll call him lucky for having you :D

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