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any news on little Bea/ Eilidh?

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I'm sorry I haven't replied, folks. It's been a bit of a doozy this weekend.


We set out yesterday to take Bean to the airport to send her to RDM - but because of (Katrina) construction on the bridges, traffic was horrible. We left 5 hours earlier than the flight (it only takes an hour and a half to get there) and still managed to miss the flight.


Eilidh was fine during the ride over, drank water, had a snack, played in the car with us while we were stuck in traffic. We got to my aunt's house finally (decided to go there since she lives close to the airport and we were exhausted) and spent a few hours there - Eilidh was stlil fine.


But, on the way home, she started thrashing around in the crate. We took her out and held her and she had several more seizures on the way home. They seem to be coming in groups and she's had several more since being taken to the vet. She's a lot worse than yesterday and they still don't know exactly what's happening with her.


I'm having to go back up to my apartment today, but Mom lives in Gulfport and that's where the Emergency Vet is. We got semi-lucky on that (as lucky as you can be in a situation like this), as Mom trained one of the vet's horses for him a while back on "credit" so...yeah. Vet bills are taken care of thank goodness.


I will keep everyone updated as things progress.

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Just a quick update - Eilidh's stable at the moment. hasn't had any more seizures since early afternoon. She finally wanted to drink some water but is still on the IV.


She's going to stay overnight and probably all day tomorrow, so they can run more tests on Monday. She's still lethargic and such, though, and apparently has a weakness now in her back legs.


We're just waiting. Taking it one step at a time. Hopefully we'll know what's going on soon.

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Poor puppy. I hope she's feeling better, and no long term problems. Keep me updated. My thoughts are out to you and her.

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Well, we were able to bring miss bean home today.


She's lost a LOT of weight in just the two days and she's nervous and twitchy, but we've been seizure free for 24 hours now.


They could not find any -reason- for the seizures. The vet is standing by his heat stroke assumption, but I really really really don't think it's heat stroke. She -never- got hot. In fact, even for the little while that she was outside, it was overcast and very cool and she was only out long enough to potty.


We've been told to watch her and bring her back in as soon as the seizures start again - if they do. We're starting her on solid foods this evening - rice and chicken I suppose. Nothing too rich.


Also, she's still super weak in her back legs and keeps falling over. Luckily, she doesn't have a lot of energy at the moment, so she's not tearing around hurting herself.


I guess now we wait and see. Get some weight back on her and just watch to see what happens.


At least she's alive. We really didn't think she was going to make it through there for a while. She's a fighter, though.

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