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So I have a year and 1 month. She is 75% border collie and 25% austrailian sheperd. She is the cutest sweetest girl. Black and white white legs with black spots a white collar (you know her coloring not a real like collar to put a leash on) the softest brown eyes but she only has a half of a tail she was born that way. Her name is Iv. I also have mutt we can't tell at all what breed he is but I love him still. His name is Max. So Max he loves to chase balls and sticks and toys. When he tries to chase them she chases him then grabs on to the scruff of the neck and pulls and when shes doing all this she doesn't listen to me she won't even look when i call her what do I do to get her to listen to me?

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Shelby - You may want to move this topic to general discussion because this area is mainly visited by people looking to train stock dogs.


However, I thought I would take a stab at it...my older dog corrected my younger dog when doing this and that nipped it in the bud.


I think you need to stop the behavior before it even happens. Chances are that you know when she is going to grab onto Max and you can give a correction when she is thinking about it...your timing should be spot on. Give a verbal correction and move on. If she grabs on then go back to square one. You could also block her access to Max with your body making it harder for her to grab on but I think the important thing is to give her the verbal correction when she is thinking about it NOT after she has already grabbed on.


Also, you need to work on your growly voice not a high pitched correction...you want to sound like a growl.


I'm not an expert but if this was a problem in my house, this is how I would start.

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