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Puck Update

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I left Puck at the vet's overnight. Dr. Knox called me before I left work yesterday. They had put Puck under anesthetic and were able to work the leg back into the socket. Dr. Knox's concern was the laxity of the ligaments around the joint, that they weren't strong enough to keep the femor head in the socket, but that he would x-ray this morning and see whether it held or not.


Well, it didn't work. The femor head has popped out again and Puck will have to have surgery. That is scheduled for next Friday. I'm bringing him home today. I figure now I have a little time to search for some funding.


Will keep you posted. I'll post the PayPal info on this thread when it's finally set up.


Puck is one lucky boy.

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aw poor puck, such a shame it popped out again :D

may i post your situation on the other forum i am on?

i have posted vague details already in the moderators bit as i am in the process of starting a little puck fundraiser (if that is ok by you?) but i wont post any details there or on the main forum unless i get the go ahead from you :rolleyes:

we should be able to raise a fairly tidy sum though as whatever we raise will be in £'s and £1 is $1.9 at the moment!

bless your heart for helping him hun, and bless you for letting us all help too :D

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Brought Puck home. He's been really good natured throughout this entire ordeal.


Donna, I more than "don't mind" if you cross post to get the word out. I would be your friend forever and forever! :0)) Thank you.


OK, I need some technical help here. I have my PayPal account set up, but how do I link to it so that others can access it. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box sometimes, so someone, please help me out here.

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I'm sorry that it didn't work out. But I know he'll be in good hands when he gets it fixed for good. I'll get to send some money this weekend. I hope that's not to long? Give him a hug for me.

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use the link provided in your paypal Verified status window.

just copy it and paste it to here, if its ok with Eileen

unless you have a website where you can set it up and redirect from here to a donation button on a web page.


I believe that if your Paypal account is set up, we just need to know the email address that it is linked to.


I believe your right and this method would work as well.

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OK - I think I did that right! It's only a little bit, but I hope it helps. There's something about Puck ....


(and I'm so glad you decided to accept some help from us Vicki - we've been around long enough to know that wouldn't come easy to you. Bless you for what you do and have done for lots of dogs in need.)

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OK - I think I did that right! It's only a little bit, but I hope it helps. There's something about Puck ....


(and I'm so glad you decided to accept some help from us Vicki - we've been around long enough to know that wouldn't come easy to you. Bless you for what you do and have done for lots of dogs in need.)




you are SO right. It was very hard for Vicki and if this help was for her personally, you would NEVER have heard about it.

BUT because it's for a dog, she will take any help out there and ask for more.

I once saw Vicki almost beat someone up for not treating their dog very well.

Thanks everyone for sending so much to help Puck and Vicki.


donna :rolleyes:

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