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Sore pads


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We have an eight month old male BC named Fergus (adopted him when he was about 5 months old.) One of our concerns has been in the area of exercising him 'enough." His usual routine is a walk first thing in the morning (15 to 30 minutes), playtime outside during the day, and another 15-30 minute walk in the afternoon. Occasionally, he'll also have running time off the leash (where appropriate). Yesterday, he had a pretty tiring run, coupled with the fact that it was unseasonably warm (about 80 degrees). By evening, Fergus was limping pretty badly and upon examining his front paws, both seemed very raw and tender on the innermost parts. There were no obvious cuts or abrasions.


We had to take him to the vet anyway this morning for something else, and the vet didn't seem too concerned about the paws -- he said that sometimes puppies end with up sore pads. In reviewing other posts, I haven't seen anything directly about a pup's pads getting sore from over-exertion, so thought I would ask if anyone else has experienced this? Does anyone have have guidance on just how much exercise, on average, a pup this age should be getting?

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My dog Meg has had her pads bleed on numerous occassions from play and I have heard of other people with the same issue. Your vet is right, with time your puppies pads will toughen up. It was suggested to me that I just continue to let her play but not let her go until it's really bad to let the callouses build up gradually. Our biggest problem with her has been snow and ice this winter. I've been letting her play until I see a little pink and then we go in.

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