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Tub o Tex

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I feel like I should be posting on the Lab board.


Tex went to the vets yesterday and weighed in at 54 lbs. My dog is a pear. He just doesn't have the energy level of a sighted bc. He will gallop around in the yard but he mostly is a plod and sniff kind of guy. We are both chunky butts from the long, cold winter but with spring on its way, we will both trim down shortly. Tex looks really good at about 45 pounds.

At 54 pounds, is Tex the heaviest Bc on the boards? I'm just wondering if there are any other Big boys out there.

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If it makes you feel any better, my Pip, at nearly 8 months old (!) already weighs 42 pounds (or maybe more, as the last time I weighed him was several weeks ago). But then again, he's not at all fat... I wouldn't be surprised, though, if he tops out at around 50 pounds. I suspect his sire weighs about that.



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Jo, you're not alone. Ru is is almost 60lbs. He has always been big. Our very first vet visit the Dr. asked if has was pure BC or if maybe he had some kind LGD in him. He really is pure BC, just bulky. :rolleyes:

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Julie, my Ouzo reached his current weight (44-45 lb) at around 8 months, and stayed that way. He's skinny, especialy noticible when wet. Everyone was telling me he would reach 60's (no way!) by looking at him as a pup with big paws. Now even my vet said he's "on the thin side", which is perfectly ok with me, since he has plenty of energy and is healthy as a horse.


Jo, you'll just have to have a talk with Loki and hire him as a personal trainer for Tex :D


Edited to add: Readding what BCBERRI wrote made me remember that on our first vet visit, when he was 2 months old, the dr. said that by the size of his paws, Ouzo might be mixed with Great Pyreneese! No $@*$# way :D:rolleyes::D LOL Poor Ouzo...

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I have a rescue here that I don't know how much he weighs, but he is the size of a large rough collie. And I am told he has papers. I'm dying to see them. Indy is a gorgeous dog, perfectly proportioned, but he's just HUGE-mongeous.


Speaking of which, if anyone in the area (anywhere between Raleigh and Winston-Salem) has an extra-large crate lying around unused that I could borrow or have, I'd really appreciate it. Indy is using Ben's old crate which is about 28 inches tall and 42 inches long and he takes up the whole darn thing just about. He'd be much more comfy in something sized more for a greyhound or GSD - between 34 and 40 inches tall. I used to have such a crate but we seem to have left a piece of it behind when we moved. :rolleyes:

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My Red Dog is 50 lbs and Piper is 28lbs. They just vary a lot. I had a rescue (also named Indy, Rebecca) and he is really tall at about 24" and weighed in at a lean 60 lbs. He is also papered and I don't recall his parents, whom I know of, to be that enormous.



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Thunderbolt weighs in at 64 lbs and has been steady at that weight for over a year.

No fat on the boy he is just a solid large BC,,neither of his parents were near his size.



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Our foster Moe is 67 lbs now and he is at least 24 inches tall we too had to give up on crating as a 42 inch was too small. I just bought a 42 inch deluxe vari kennel and I think it will work height wise but, it will have problems with his length.


We feed Moe green beans to try to get his weight down a bit. I think he started out at 75lbs.

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Solo is 50 lbs and 23" at the shoulder. He isn't a hardbody (we are still working our way back to that, now that he's on Adequan and can run like a normal dog again) but he isn't fat either, just a little bit soft. I don't expect him to lose weight as he gets fitter, since he'll just be making muscle and 50 seems to be his normal weight now that he is mature. When I got him, he was anorexic (literally -- he would not eat) and you could see all his ribs through his poofy hair, and he weighed 44 pounds.

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Solo is 50 lbs and 23" at the shoulder. He isn't a hardbody (we are still working our way back to that, now that he's on Adequan and can run like a normal dog again) but he isn't fat either, just a little bit soft. I don't expect him to lose weight as he gets fitter, since he'll just be making muscle and 50 seems to be his normal weight now that he is mature. When I got him, he was anorexic (literally -- he would not eat) and you could see all his ribs through his poofy hair, and he weighed 44 pounds.


Bucky is only 15 weeks and he is 22" at the shoulder and 24 pounds. When I first brought him home at 10 weeks old, he weighed 13 lb. I think he will be a very big boy when he is full grown??? He eats very little no matter how much I put down.

Only a cup and a half per day, if that, of Natural Balance Ultra Premium for dogs and puppies.

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Bucky is only 15 weeks and he is 22" at the shoulder and 24 pounds. When I first brought him home at 10 weeks old, he weighed 13 lb. I think he will be a very big boy when he is full grown??? He eats very little no matter how much I put down.

Only a cup and a half per day, if that, of Natural Balance Ultra Premium for dogs and puppies.


Yikes! Sorry about that. Correction. He is about 14" at the shoulder.

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Both my dogs are big - Kate's weighing in at about 54lbs. and Darby tops out at 60+lbs. Kate's fat - no doubt about it - but the thyroid medication didn't make much of a difference (vet said she was a little low). Darby's just a big dog - tall and long. Weird thing is, neither one of them eats much. I use 4 cups of Canidae and one large can of Pedigree wet to feed 3 dogs - once a day! The JRT eats more than both of my dogs combined and Kate will go a day or two without eating at all. Go figure.

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Both my dogs are big - Kate's weighing in at about 54lbs. and Darby tops out at 60+lbs. Kate's fat - no doubt about it - but the thyroid medication didn't make much of a difference (vet said she was a little low). Darby's just a big dog - tall and long. Weird thing is, neither one of them eats much. I use 4 cups of Canidae and one large can of Pedigree wet to feed 3 dogs - once a day! The JRT eats more than both of my dogs combined and Kate will go a day or two without eating at all. Go figure.

Canidae is the *only* food that actually put weight on my obsessive running dog (who, naturally, is quite thin thanks to the near-constant motion when outside, and sometimes inside). I cut all my dogs back when they were on it. So you may need to feed them even less than you are now--it has a pretty high caloric content.



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Solo got an icky coat on Canidae -- I figured it didn't have enough fat in it or something. Now, if you really want to see your dogs pork up, try Innova. Holy cow.


I recently decided to try Innova Senior on my dogs, because they're both mature (7 and 8), they aren't working dogs, and they seem to prefer foods that have grain in them. Previously I was feeding EVO and the no-grain version of Nature's Variety. Solo did fine on those but Fly has loose stools so we think fiber is a good thing at my house. Less butt-wiping on the beige carpet.

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Dakota's 22"ish at the shoulder and his ideal weight is 38lbs. He looks like a porker with all his fur, but he's super thin (not emaciated, just extremely lean and muscular) underneath.


And at this rate of growth, it's looking like Eve will be Pyrenees-sized too. :rolleyes: Not sure exactly how tall she is, but she's about 3/4 Dakota's height. She's only about 15lbs though. Very lean and all legs.

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Just came back from the vet (lepto booster), and Ouzo put 1 lb in two weeks, to 45.6 lb. He has indeed been eating better, getting up to 1.5 - 2 cups of California Natural a day. He has been exercising more since we got read of all that nasty snow, therefore the increased appetite.


At 24 inches on shoulder, he're my oh so fat boy.... (taken yesterday, dripping wet and shivering from staying too long in water -pathetic poor thing)





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