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Torn Pad


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Tess has a torn pad. It is the pad up by her dew claw. This is the second time I have noticed it torn. If their pads tear once it more prone to tear again?


Also, what can I put on it to help it heal faster? Of course she keeps licking at it and I tried wrapping it last time but is that the best course of action or should it be able to breathe to heal faster?

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I like tea tree oil to prevent licking. There's a product I like called "Cut Heal" - you can find it online or in many tack and feed stores (try Tractor Supply). You can get a bottle with a little sponge applicator in the cap - very handy. It smells very weird and the dogs hate, hate, hate the taste. And it does help healing quite nicely.


Trim her toenails quite short. No ticky-tickys. I've found that some dogs this seems to help. She is related to my dog Rick that had the same problem, so try that. Part of it has to do with how they just kind of hurl themselves around rather than, um, taxi-ing for takeoff like normal dogs. :rolleyes: Plus, you just moved, so if you're finding she's only been having this problem lately, she may be slower to adjust to the new environment than Keegan. Try to make her take it slow (ha!) and be patient - blown pads are a booger to deal with.

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I have a dog that tears his stopper pad alot. We are at the point we just wash it with water and let it heal on its own. We don't wrap them now when he has done it since it happens all the time. He is a bugger when he plays. He tears them playing ball in the grass. He plays flyball so we wrap him in flyball to prevent it there but otherwise we let it be.

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Mine used to tear his front upper pads a lot last year, when he was less than 1 year old, almost each time we would go to the dog park and he would run for 1-2 hours on dirt and grass. Neosporin, self-licking, and that was it. No bandages lasted longer than 30 minutes. We just let it air out and eventualy it would heal... Haven't seen that this year, guess his skin got tougher...

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Mine used to tear his front upper pads a lot last year, when he was less than 1 year old, almost each time we would go to the dog park and he would run for 1-2 hours on dirt and grass. Neosporin, self-licking, and that was it. No bandages lasted longer than 30 minutes. We just let it air out and eventualy it would heal... Haven't seen that this year, guess his skin got tougher...

Yea i do the same...i just make sure there is no dirt in the pad and Tucker licks it jsut enough to keep it clean (unlike our other dog who doesn't stop)

Tucker is slowly learning to slow down a bit before reaching the tennis ball vs running right at it full speed then overshooting it and causes him to slam on the brakes and turn around (wrecked pad :rolleyes: )

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Tucker05, sure, wash out wound first, desinfect if neccessary, THEN apply Neosporin :rolleyes: Forgot to add that step :D


Ouzo never learned the cause-effect relation between his crazy runs and sudden stops (exactly like you described above) and his bleeding pads. Guess his philosophy is "Anything for a ball" ... LOL

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Thanks everyone. I think I will try to find that product online Becca...or if we drive by a TS I will look there.


Sounds like a good reason to stop at Applebees on your way... and invite a few friends, 'cause I'm sure we *all* need something from TS. :rolleyes:


Seriously though, if it's only a minor pad infarction, I'll just use some neosporin and leave it open to the air. Granted they'll usually lick it off when I'm not looking, but that's OK. Gotta watch the Tea Tree oil - IIRC it is toxic to cats, in particular. I may need to pick up some cut heal myself.

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Thanks everyone. I think I will try to find that product online Becca...or if we drive by a TS I will look there.


Sounds like a good reason to stop at Applebees on your way... and invite a few friends, 'cause I'm sure we *all* need something from TS. :rolleyes:


Seriously though, if it's only a minor pad infarction, I'll just use some neosporin and leave it open to the air. Granted they'll usually lick it off when I'm not looking, but that's OK. Gotta watch the Tea Tree oil - IIRC it is toxic to cats, in particular. I may need to pick up some cut heal myself.

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Gotta watch the Tea Tree oil - IIRC it is toxic to cats, in particular. I may need to pick up some cut heal myself.


I have been reading lately about essential oils and pets. Apparently you don't want to use tea tree oil at more than a 15% dilution on dogs, and NEVER on cats (like Carson Crazies said). thelavendercat.com has a lot of information on cats and eo's. Here's another website with information, http://www.exoticbird.com/gillian/teatree.html Normally I wouldn't put a lot of faith in a website done up in comic sans :rolleyes: but, she cites her sources.

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  • 11 months later...
Mine used to tear his front upper pads a lot last year, when he was less than 1 year old, almost each time we would go to the dog park and he would run for 1-2 hours on dirt and grass. Neosporin, self-licking, and that was it. No bandages lasted longer than 30 minutes. We just let it air out and eventualy it would heal... Haven't seen that this year, guess his skin got tougher...


I just have a quick question for all of you who have experience in this torn pad thing. My dog was at my parent's farm for the day and came home with stopper pad torn or cut pretty deep. The cut actually runs up a little bit behind the pad. Can the vet even stitch a pad? Does the pad heal back to the leg normally? This happened yesterday and we put neosporin on it and bandaged it up for the night. I can tell he is sore today, but tonight he is walking around and even putting weight on it. How long does it normally take a pad to heal back together? Thanks for any information or advice you can give me.

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I was looking because my Dutchess tore her's open today. I once had to get one stiched, but I don't know if it was necessary. Today, I think it was the ice outside and I have 3 and they run until they drop, so i'll do nothing.

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Hehe, what a familar subject. Ouzo managed to tear not one, but two paws last Friday. I didn't even notice it until Saturday morning when he started limping pretty badly. Of course, my first thought was "OMG, what if there's something wrong with his hips?!?!?!?". Until I turned his back leg over and saw a quarter size hole in the middle of his paw pad. And another one on his declaw pad from the front leg (if that's the term for that extra pad without nail above the ankle of the front legs). Again oinments (Neosporin equivalent - I actually have some my mom sent me from Europe that work like magic), then I finally listen to what Julie P. has been preaching for the last 2 years I've been on this board and I went to Walmart and bought him 6 pairs of baby boy socks :rolleyes: Secured them with rubber bands, and ta-da, I was able to walk my dog on all 4 of his legs, not 2.5 like before :D Inside I let the paws dry out, I just used the socks for our walks. Since yesterday he's totally out of pain, but I'm not taking him to any park until at least Saturday, so it will get a chance to heal.

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Good timing for this to come up again! Kyrah made one too many sliding ball grabs yesterday at the dog park and tore a good sized patch off her pad. I've got it wrapped at the moment with a baby sock under vetwrap to keep it clean, but I was just trying to think of something I could put on it to help it heal faster. I would normaly do Neosporin but we recently discovered she's allergic to Neomycin, one of the ingredients in most topical antibiotic ointments. Any suggestions for something that might speed healing but not give her a massive rash? :rolleyes: *sigh* She likes things to stay complicated......

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Good timing for this to come up again! Kyrah made one too many sliding ball grabs yesterday at the dog park and tore a good sized patch off her pad. I've got it wrapped at the moment with a baby sock under vetwrap to keep it clean, but I was just trying to think of something I could put on it to help it heal faster. I would normaly do Neosporin but we recently discovered she's allergic to Neomycin, one of the ingredients in most topical antibiotic ointments. Any suggestions for something that might speed healing but not give her a massive rash? :rolleyes: *sigh* She likes things to stay complicated......


I swear by "TUF-FOOT" ... I love that stuff. You can google it and it will bring it up. My LT skinned all four of her pads and this helped a lot and prevented her from doing it again. And my friend with a malanois used it and also had great results.

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I swear by "TUF-FOOT" ... I love that stuff. You can google it and it will bring it up. My LT skinned all four of her pads and this helped a lot and prevented her from doing it again. And my friend with a malanois used it and also had great results.


Thanks, I'll check it out.

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