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We are going to start agility for shelby

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Shelby needs a job!!! I want to to start her in agility. any one around Oregon know of any good trainers?

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Lucky you, in Washington/Oregon there are some of the top trainers/competitors!


I am only familiar with Washington, but if you could go to a trial around there (lots are coming up, at least in NADAC) and watch the Elite dogs - see which ones you like and ask where they/if they train. :rolleyes:


You want to look for one that lets you observe classes. Go to a beginning class and see how much foundation stuff they do (not all on the equipment - that is good) or if they just get the dogs over the equipment the first day and then that's it, go compete (bad). Make sure they treat it like a GAME, are not repeating commands the dog doesn't know and expecting results, or expecting to much from Novice handlers. Also, if you can watch an Elite class at the same place - are the handlers/dogs REALLY good? Always proofing for harder stuff and testing their skills (that would be good)? Or just making mistakes and continuing on a course without fixing/training anything (that would be bad)?


The best way is really to go to a trial and look for which dogs/handlers are best.

You can go to the organizations calander for trials coming up:

NADAC - http://www.nadac.com/afrm/trial-calendar.asp (search by state)

USDAA - http://www.usdaa.com/events.cfm (main clubs are Willamette Agility Group and columbia agility team)

CPE - http://www.k9cpe.com/events.htm



Good luck!

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We aren't going to start until at least August when we are all settled and I have done at least a few credits for school!!

I cannot believe that Shelby is almost one already!! my how time flies

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