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Post surgery and pain??

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I just picked Toby up from the vets this morning. Yesterday he was neutered. Toby had chriptorchidism so he has a long abdomianl incision. I asked the vet about pain control and they said that he had pain meds yesterday but nothing today and that he probably wouldn't need any. They did say to call back today if I felt he was having pain and they could prescribe something. Well, I should have just asked for it right then, because I think Toby is having pain and I called the vet's but they are now closed. Toby is whining alot and won't settle down. It isn't like him to whine like this. He is wearing a large e-collar to keep him from licking at the wound and I thought this might be what is bothering him so I took it off and supervised him closely to keep him from licking. Well, he still wouldn't settle and was constantly trying to get at the wound so I put the collar back on. I have a friend who gives her dog Tylenol for pain (at her vet's recommendation) so I know it is safe but I wouldn't know how much to give him. Does anyone know what the recommended dosage would be for a 45 lb dog?? I just feel so bad for him but at the same time I don't want to give him something that could harm him. :rolleyes::D


Robyn & Toby

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Do your vets have an emergency number or answering service that will page them? They can probably give you appropriate pain recommendation and dosage over the phone. I ran into the same situation when Minnie was spayed. My vet suggested giving her ascriptin, (baby aspirin has been suggested at other times) but I don't recall the dosage.

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It seems to me I read some where that Tylenol is NOT to be given to dogs! Asperin is fine. That's why when I am given Rimydel(sp) I always ask for some extras so I always have some on hand for various pains that don't neccesarily require vet care or to hold them over till I can get vet care. Hope he is feeling better soon. Poor lil guy. Also, sometimes dogs can seem more hurting at home than at the vets. It's something about their instincts to not let "others" know they're in pain and weak.

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How does the incision look? What you don't want to see is inflamation, redness (other than normal redness associated with new surgical incision) or feel any heat or hardness around the incision. If it looks at all unusual, you need to get him seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

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He seems to have settled now. I may have been overreacting (I am known to do that, says my DH), but I prefer to err on the side of caution. My 4yo was trying to be 'helpful' and removed the e-collar while I was upstairs doing something. He did come to tell me but not before Toby had a good lick. The incision looks fine, I was just worried about normal post surgery pain. I know when I had abdominal surgery last year I sure wasn't ready to give up pain meds after the first day!!! But perhaps dogs don't feel the pain that we do? I just don't know and don't want him to suffer any.


Robyn & Toby

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