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This morning about 7:45, my vet called. Someone had found Jackson on their front porch this morning! Yay. She said her lab and Jackson got into it a bit, but didn't appear either was hurt. I called and let her know I was on my way. She did NOTHING to keep Jackson there! When I got there, he was gone again! We went down the road to a housing area, no luck. Gonna wait a little bit and go out again. He was about a mile from home. But that mile is all woods and small hills. Y'all have some great ideas. I worry because in looking for Jackson in that housing area, there were quite a few dogs loose. Jackson's not a fighter(the woman admited her lab was agressive to males) so I am hoping he doesn't get his butt kicked while out. I think he is just in a panic and not able to find his way. If he has walked streams and creeks, he may not smell where he needs to go. But now I have some hope. Thanks y'all. I will keep y'all posted. Maybe we will get him back okay.

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That has to be good news - thank goodness he isn't far from home. I can't believe the woman didn't try to keep a hold of Jackson until you arrived though!! :rolleyes:


I would stick posters up in that housing area and just keep patrolling, whistling for your lad. Also maybe go to all the houses in that area and ask them to please keep an eye out for Jackson and if they see him to give you a call. You could offer a small reward on your poster.

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Linda, you're probably right about him being in panic mode. Keep looking in that area. He probably won't go far. And don't be surprised if he doens't 'recognize' you right away. I had a dog that wandered 15 km!! from my dad's place when she was 12 years old. She didn't know who the heck I was right away...but when she did, well let's say it was a happy greeting.

As for the dunderhead that didn't try to keep Jackson...well... I'm sure you have a few fine words for her!

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Linda, you're probably right about him being in panic mode. Keep looking in that area. He probably won't go far. And don't be surprised if he doens't 'recognize' you right away. I had a dog that wandered 15 km!! from my dad's place when she was 12 years old. She didn't know who the heck I was right away...but when she did, well let's say it was a happy greeting.

As for the dunderhead that didn't try to keep Jackson...well... I'm sure you have a few fine words for her!

I agree with Kris. Both times I lost a dog, they did not immediately respond to my calls, even within sight of me. It's like their brain shuts down or something. Keep trying and knock on the doors of that lady's neighbor. If you talk to people in person, they are much more likely to try and help you if they see Jackson.



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The lady has no neighbors, she is further from the road than I am! Yeah, when I went back a bit ago, she said well I guess I should have tied him up but he looked so relaxed on the porch I figured he would stay. Yeah, that's why he ran off, he was looking for a new home. Well, I have one part that would like to strangle her, and one part that is grateful she pulled her dog off mine, (Jackson cowered down) and fed him a bit of food and called about him. So, I decided to go with the grateful part and not strangle her. :rolleyes: I have posted a note for Rebecca to help me with a flyer. It's about all I can do at this point. So many woods! It is unbelievable. I always liked to see them out here. Now, they look like the "enemy". Thanks y'all. It means a lot to know y'all are praying and hoping for him to come home. I am trying to have hope. This morning, I was so excited! Now, well, maybe it's a sign he will come home.

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That is a positive sign that someone saw him, and that he's moving away from traffic and not towards it. I'm praying he's home soon.


I know you're not up to dealing with anything now, but once Jackson's home safe and sound, we have a man and his wife in Kannapolis who are interested in adopting Missy and Lucy. He tried to email you a couple of times but kept getting his emails back as undeliverable. Anyway, it sounds promising - he asked if they could be indoor dogs, he has a fenced yard, and he wants to keep the girls together. :rolleyes: He has your phone numbers now. He said he'd wait a little while before contacting you, though, and to tell you he hopes Jackson is back home soon.

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That is good news, clears up the fear that he was shot last night! Now at least you know for sure that he is still OK!

Hoping that he will find his way back to you today!


I wish tennis balls made a loud noise...

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Sally, that is great news for the girls! The e-mail came back cuz they forgot to put the ".com" at the end. I will be in and out all day so tell him to keep trying. Thanks for the good news. It helps. At least the girls might have a good ending.

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Where's the note? nothing in PM - I haven't gotten anything in my e-mail yet. I'll start something, though, right away - I can fill in the other stuff when we get our acts together.


amberalert - a yahoo group - was another good resource for me when Ben went missing. there wasn't any real clues there, but lots of good tips, and lots of moral support.

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Sally, that is great news for the girls! The e-mail came back cuz they forgot to put the ".com" at the end. I will be in and out all day so tell him to keep trying. Thanks for the good news. It helps. At least the girls might have a good ending.


Linda, I just emailed Jim to tell him to keep trying your phone numbers, and copied you.

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Rebecca, I was not clear! I started a new thread with your name and flyers as the sub-title! Sorry! Thanks! If you call me I can call you right back so it won't cost you! I have unlimited long distance! Thank you so much! I want to get flyers out asap. You're awesome. I appreciate it so much, it is awful kind of you to do this, especially after he peed on your lunch cooler!



Okay, thanks Sally!

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So glad he is ok. But how frustrating that he slipped through your grasp. Maybe that gunshot you heard scared him and he bolted?

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Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear all of this! I hope you catch him soon. :rolleyes:


(And yeah, one night Zoe ran off into the dark - only next door but she got a little panicked and didn't recognize me when I went around down their driveway to get her. It took a few seconds to realize it was me and come racing over. She had a deer in the headlights panicked look on her face.)

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Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that you were so close!!!! Poor Jackson, he must be so confused and worried. Try to keep a positive outlook and good vibes are being sent your way from Tennessee.


Also remember that when you are walking around calling him, keep the panic out of your voice. He might be reluctant to come if you sound freaked out, he may think he is in trouble. Try to sound like normal or very happy.


Carlie got lost one day in the woods, chasing deer, I called her sounding like I was the happiest person in the world and went for a half mile walk and eventually saw a white flash in the woods running parallel to me. I jumped up and down (I was behind a little drainage ditch wall) and called her telling her what a good girl she was. I must have sounded loony but she came running up, covered in mud, wagging so hard she could barely stand. She was convinced that she was a good girl, which she was cause she did come (eventually).



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Dang! I was really hoping you'd gotten him when I read this. Gosh darn it. Glad to know he's ok though, and ate a bit!!! I agree with the squeaky toy idea, Riven RUNS for those. Thats how we got her back inside once when she ran out off leash.


I woke up repeatedly in the middle of the night wondering how you guys were, and for some reason dreaming about Zoe (yes Lunars Zoe lol) lol I dont remember what it was about but I know I was dreaming about her. - anyway- I know lots of prayers are bein said for you. Keep up the good spirit, he'll be ok! God knows all about it and where he is.


As for that woman I cant believe what a complete moron!!! argh!!

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