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I'm building a Tetherball setup for my BC Riley (10 months)....I've decided that I have to keep him busier out in the yard...he singlehandedly ate my wifes 8ft cherry tree.


I've found a variety of different color Tetherballs out there...yellow, red etc... Which color do you folks think would be more attractive to him? He's the type of dog that will play with a ball by himself....I'm thinking a tetherball setup with an extetnded arm at the top so the rope doesn't get wound around the pole. The rope will be covered in tubing.


Thanks in advanced for your input.


This board is wonderful.... :rolleyes:


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Dogs are basically red-green color-blind. This link has more information: http://www.uwsp.edu/psych/dog/LA/DrP4.htm It is likely that dogs may respond to yellow as a color. But in the final analysis, color does not seem to matter; what will draw the dog's attention will be the motion of the tetherball. So in the end, choose whatever color you want that will contrast with the environment around it.

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Just get any color ball that can't be chewed into bits in one day!! It could be a good idea; my sister's pup loves to play with the tetherball. He's recognized certain patterns in the way the ball moves that he thinks are due to his actions, and it's quite funny.

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