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Buckeye CDT/SDT Mar 16-18

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The trials held at John Lavelle's Rafter L Bar Arena in east-central Ohio are a nice and friendly venue for participants and spectators alike. They are held indoors in a very comfortable facility, with food available and a *warm, indoor rest room*, and hook-ups for trailers/campers. The information follows.


Entries have opened for the Friday March 16-Sunday March 18, 2007 Buckeye Cow Dog Association, Inc. stockdog trial featuring cattle and sheep at the Rafter L Bar Arena, Lavelle Farms, New Marshfield, Ohio. The trial is sanctioned with USBCHA, but is open to any breed of dog. Please visit www.buckeyecowdog.com for entry forms, directions, past trial results and trial rules. Pre-entry is required. Classes fill on a first come, first serve basis. Post or day-of-the-trial entries will only be accepted if time and room permits. BCDA members will be competing for year-end high-point awards.


Events kick off with a USBCHA sanctioned OPEN HORSEBACK CATTLE CLASS, Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. The handler's meeting is at 6:00 p.m. Riders must make arrangements for their own horse. Horse rental is available.


The handler's meeting will begin Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. for the other classes.


There will be a 50% payback in each class. Open, Ranch, Nursery, Horseback and Novice cattle classes will be held first each day of the weekend, followed by Open, Ranch and Novice Sheep classes.


All classes will be scored on a points plus time basis. There will be 7-8 obstacles, with an 8 minute course. 3-5 head of stock will be used. Wool sheep and 60 cwt cattle. Indoor rest room, on-site concessions, horse stabling and a heated spectator area are available. On Saturday evening, the Federal-Hocking FFA Alumni will serve a home-cooked dinner.

Please contact me if you have any questions. Directions and motel information can be obtained at www.lavellefarms.com


John P. Lavelle

Lavelle Farms

Rafter L Bar Arena

3078 Fox Lake Road

New Marshfield, OH 45766

www.lavellefarms.com <http://www.lavellefarms.com/>


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