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Is Fergie the only one with this "trick"?


We'll be walking, and she wants to sniff or otherwise investigate and area. I call; she lags behind - doing what she thinks is important. I call again - and, usually, again and again. Finally, she pees. then comes. As if the real deal was that she was finding the optimum place to piddle.


This does not happen only once on our 1-mile walk (which we do about 5 times a day).

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Polly doesn't do that, she is usually eager to finish business and get on to playing. Even though she is 13 months, I still feel like I am walking a wee puppy. I have to tell you it makes me laugh though, I have never walked such a goof on a leash. Here's our walk:


She starts off pulling and eager.

Stops abruptly when she spots something--- leaf, airplane, bird, squirrel..

Walks v-e-r-y slowly, on alert as she processes this...has a "huh!" moment,

Lunges forward as she remembers that WE ARE ON A WALK!

Suddenly starts looking behind us like someone/something is following us--I always fall for this and we both end up stumbling down the street with our heads turned backwards..

Whoa! Another abrupt stop, she goes completely still as she watches a cat..

Stares at me--PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE....

COME ON, POLLY! I tug the leash and we continue..

She then snorts, sighs, and pouts because I wouldn't let her chase the cat...



I can't really say that she is bad on the leash, just a spaz---My husband says it's like walking a wild raccoon :rolleyes:



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Jake's that way. Most of the time, with your standard light post, he'll sniff, pee, and move on, but occationally (like when it comes to bushes or a big rock in someone's yard; basically a "well travelled area") he'll take his time, reading up on all the messages, then figuring out just where he should plant his own message (so he turns one way, changes his mind and turns the other way, then changes his mind again and goes back the other way). Finally marks it then has to make sure contact was made, by sniffing all over and verifying that his scent is there. Then he scratches at the turf with his back paws with a mighty proud look on his face, as if he was MACHO or somethin' :rolleyes:


I never rush him, though. To me, walking a dog means YOU walk the DOG. If the dog wants to do his doggie thing and take forever at a bush, by all means, I want to let him do that. The only time I tug on the leash is if I'm eager to get home (like if I've already walked 4 miles and I'm carrying cat food and dog food and my back feels like it's breaking and my body is covered in foul sweat), but with the exception of those times, I leave Jake be. I want him to actually be a dog and to not lose his ancient instincts (like the scratching at the turf, which his ancestors would do to mark their territory), plus I think it makes him happier and more relaxed. A walkie is HIS time, my time involves a TV or computer, lol

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Sounds like she is just reading the daily doggie news with her nose and leaving her on "story" behind. Does she know "leave it"? when mine start lagging a little too long for me, I call "leave it" and "come" and away we go again.

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Oh, she does all that reading and remarking. She especially remarks heron poop. And when we meet other dogs, it's a game of pee and re-pee. Sort of, I'll see your piddle and raise you one.


But I'm talking about when she doesn't really need to do anything - literally - but pees as an excuse for what she was really doing. Waiting for her friend Clyde to catch up, waiting to see if Annie (a duck tollong cutie) will pull Gail out for a visit, looking for cat poop....


When I insist that she come, she takes a few seconds more, then squats and pretends to pee.


She reminds me of my kids. Always a great excuse.

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