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Hip displasia?

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My BC mix Pepper started favoring her right hind leg last night after our walk... I noticed it because when we come in from our walk she always sits to have her leash taken off and she refused to sit last night (even with a treat for temptation). When I started feeling her legs to see what might be wrong she started shaking really bad. I let her go and she was wandering around the livingroom slowly with a weird gate...then *poof* she was fine and went running with my other dog up the stairs and acting like nothing was wrong... the weird behavior didn't last for more than 5 - 10 minutes or so


This morning she was fine and dandy but when she went to pee on our walk she gave me a weird look and basically spread her legs standing straight up (she's a deep squatter). She didn't pee but continued on after standing like that for a minute and a few minutes later did a 3 legged squat and lifted her right hind leg up almost straight out to the side (a very odd look for sure) while she peed.


I took her to the vet for a drop off and will hopefully hear more tonight but other than hip displasia is there anything that comes to mind as a possible problem that I might be missing? She's almost 14 months old.



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Without seeing gate and the way a dog's holding their leg (it's hard to describe those things), it's hard to say where a problem might be. Luxating patellas, where the knee cap slips and the dog will kick the back leg to get it back in place, isn't very common outside of your little dogs (possible, just not common). But there are always just regular hip or knee injuries that can cause odd gaits and holding up of the leg. Dysplastic dogs usually start with showing signs of just stiffer gates, limps, having trouble getting up after laying down or sleeping. And it would have to be pretty severe HD to be showing in a 14 month old pup.


For the night before...not to sound scary, but the behavior almost sounds like a type of seizure (petite mal as opposed to grand mal). Again, though, that's kind of an "alarmist" response and not something I'd jump to right off. Her age would be appropriate for when epilepsy can onset, but just one odd behavior doesn't mean she's an epileptic and seizing. I would link off to some sites, but unfortunately I sliced open my right hand/fingers today and it's making computer-usage pretty uncomfortable and difficult. :rolleyes: Personally, I'd just read a little bit and continue to watch her behavior in that respect.


And I don't know about the first stance this morning, but the peeing on 3 legs with one rear tucked up kind of sounds like how a female dog squats when she's marking. They'll lift up and tuck in a back leg and pee from a more up-right squat. And her age, again, would make sense if she's starting to mark. Some females do.

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Hm. Thank you for your response. I am glad that I took her to the vet then (my DH thought I was overreacting) since there are possible bad things that it could be... I don't think she was marking based on her personality and how she was trying to pee (it was really weird looking) but then again I could be wrong.


I hope your hand feels better (slices and dices are never fun)!


Oh, and as far as the 'little dogs' comment goes with the luxating patellas, she's a BC/Daschaund mix and her legs are only 4" long (yes, she's a funny looking little critter) so I would think that could actually be a possibility.


Thanks again!

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I hope she's ok. It sounds like something is wrong but I worry about eveything too. Every little limp or favoring of a paw I'm almost off to the vet :rolleyes: even though it's better in five minutes. Give her a hug from us.

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Thanks for the well wishes.... the vet said she couldn't figure out what was wrong... she couldn't get Pepper to show any signs of pain all day and even put her through doggie pilates (I thought that was so cute) to check her range of motion... she definitely doesn't think it's hip displasia (big sigh of relief) but that it could be petit mal seizures but I'll just have to keep a diary to see how often it occurs...


I haven't seen any other incidents so for now I'm just hoping it was a fluke. Thanks again!

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When Sage (our mix) had a light urinary infection she did pee weird. That's what made us take her in. She would really squat down (like she does anyway) but then she would jump up and pee standing up. But she was also kind of straining to go to. I'm so glad it's not HD :rolleyes:


ETA: I got to reading your first post and started thinking. If she favored her right leg, then lifted her right leg makes me think she pulled something. When Sage was about two or three (I can't remember) she jumped up to grab a toy we threw and landed really wrong on her right hind leg. She favored it for a long time but the vet said she was fine. She still lifts her right leg when she pees. That might have something to do with it.

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