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Happy Gotcha Day Riven!!!!

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Well the 17th I'll have Riven a whole year!! We had absolutely no clue what we were getting ourselves into getting a BC mix. Its been great and we're so happy to have her. :rolleyes:


Here is the video I was asking for help with yesterday. I compacted it from 6 minutes to 3 minutes and got a years worth of pictures into that LOL. :D It turned out a lot faster and a lot darker than I thought it would. (oopsie lol) I've never used WMM and I appreciate everyones help. Anyway, here is Miss Rivendells 1 year video.



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Congratulations! I really like your video, especially the music you chose. It's perfect! I grew up in Detroit in the Motown years, so I'm especially partial to the Temps.


Thanks so much!! I tried to think of songs that would fit. There was a song I dont know the name of it but Fooshuman used it in his last summer. I remember the words were "your my best friend" I thought that would work great too but wouldnt be original. My girl fit great because she is my girl! :rolleyes: Thanks again.

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What a lucky gal Riven is to have found such a wonderful home.


Riven would agree I think, but Im sure the cat feels he's been abused by putting up with her. lol Sometimes he'll rub up against her and she looks at me like...??? what am I supposed to do here? lol :rolleyes::D Half the time she ends up nipping his neck and gettin a paw slap to the head lol. I love animals lol

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Riven, happy anniversary! Too many, many, MANY more :D You were so lucky to find a family who totaly adores you (although they do have that snarky cat, it's true, but, with this exception, they are truly wonderful, you have to admit! :rolleyes: )

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