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Awesome BC's UPDATE


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If that's not the grand total, I doubt they'll want to say anything yet.


My offer is still open though I know it may be a bit before you can shift dog out of state.


When the dust settles (OK, maybe before), please give us a run down of what you need and/or direct us where to send financial help.


This is just amazing and thrilling and heartbreaking all at the same time.

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Bless you all who are helping these dogs. I am so greatful that there are people like you all out there that do this.

I'm not in the state, heck I am not even in the same country but I am more then willing to do whatever I can to help. I am also willing to give any one of these a dogs a loving forever home.

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All I will say is if you are reading this at the time I am posting it then.

Go get some sleep, tomorrow or should I say today is going be a long one.


You have my upmost respect as does everyone who is associated with

Mo-Kan Border Collie Rescue


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Ironhorse, you are a wonderful person for caring enough to follow through and help these dogs. I know it breaks your heart. Give Thunderbolt a hug for me!


And as always, huge kudos to the rescuers!!

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26 dogs with one person and that mite not even be the grand total! HOLY MOLLY BATMAN! I can't even fathom it... way too many for one person to handle beyond feed, water,poop scoup, and vet checks. Mite have time to check over the pack for bad cases but surely no way possible to work with all of them especially if you need to live in your home ( laundry, cooking, etc). I'm thrilled ya'll got them. Those poor babies.

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Originally posted by karrie:

... way too many for one person to handle beyond feed, water,poop scoup, and vet checks. Mite have time to check over the pack for bad cases but surely no way possible to work with all of them especially if you need to live in your home ( laundry, cooking, etc)..

Heck - I'm a single person, and have eight dogs at the moment. I teach agilty/obedience part time and went back to school to finish my degree (so I'm home most of the time). There are many days I feel guilty for not giving each of them enough individual attention, mental stimulation and exercise - and I'm almost never "caught up" on house and yardwork. My whole life revolves around them, and weekends are usually spent training, herding or competing somewhere with the whole crew in tow...I can't imagine 26 :eek: (or more)...


ps - Jennifer and Ironhorse - I applaud you! If there's anything I can do from Wild Wonderful West Virginia, just let me know - "What's one more?"

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Jennifer and Ironhorse, you are truely saints. If I was closer I would help with fostering. So glad to hear that things are looking up for these animals. It's also very touching to see everyone offering assistance, makes me realize there are still good people out there.

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Unfortunately there has been a bad turn of events. The state of MO has decided that they are going to take the dogs in...period. They have told us to butt out and basically get lost. I am livid but there is nothing I can do at this point but pray they evenutally will give us the dogs...oh we'll have to PAY for the dogs now of course so the state can get their share. Bad situation. At least we know the dogs will get out there today, I have to think positively or I'll loose my temper. BTW, the bitch started whelping last night...


We'll keep updating as things change.

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No matter where the dogs go initially, the good news is that they will be out of the unsafe and unhealthy environment they were in. Thanks to IronHorse and Jennifer. And you two sound very persuasive...and maybe can work a deal with the state where you help find homes for these dogs along with them...and offer to foster some so that the state isn't burdened with the food bills, etc. My fingers are crossed for you!

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Can someone please help me understand this? First off MO is taking them in and pretty much told Jennifer and Ironhorse to get lost. Why is that? I can understand the state not wanting them to get in the way but all they are doing is trying to help save these dogs.


This is the problem I'm having trouble understanding...will they kill these dogs if they don't find homes soon? If so how long do they have? I KNOW that leaving the dogs at this place wasn't an option for much longer...just kind of seems like a death sentence either way you go really...except some may be luckier to find homes than others. But if you have people willing to help (in state or out of state) why not let them do everything they can?!?!


I've never dealt w/ rescue and I do admire rescuers because they go above and beyond. This is just so heartbreaking and I don't understand why the laws are against out of state rescuers right now. Someone please educate me on this?!?!

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Maybe the state is planning on prosecuting.... and maybe that is why they insist on having the dogs. Maybe they are evidence. I don't know. But we all have to remember we don't have all the facts. Its hard not knowing, the way we all love the dogs and want to help. Looks like we just have to be patient for the time being and keep praying.



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I wonder about someone contacting the Purina place in St. Louis - Border collies are a big part of what they do there (for good or for ill) - maybe they could offer a food donation and also kick up some publicity.

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On the other board the dogs were mentioned as needing foster homes. When I asked about that based on what's been written here, I was told that the state is requiring paperwork and that's the hold up (that is, the dogs will be going to rescue). It's tough for those of us who care but aren't there and so are anxiously awaiting reports from afar and then hearing differing reports at that.


Anyway, Becca, I think contacting Purina would be a good idea, once we find out where these dogs are going to end up. And besides that, all we can do is offer support and prayers no matter what happens. I'm sure once something is finalized, we'll know about it.



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Please, at this point no one should be contacting anyone about these dogs. We are trying to work with the state but pressure (especially publicity) will just piss them off and we will loose them all. Please let us handle getting the dogs into rescue, you may jeopardize what we have done so far if anyone else gets involved or tries to put pressure on them.

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I'm sorry, I know everyone is very concerned and I really appreciate everyones suggestions and offers to help. I'm just a little on edge after being we've on the phone/computer for virtually the last 24 hrs trying to get things worked out. I know no one would intentionally jeopardize the situation.

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I just wanted to take a moment and post a quote that I think at this time most of you will understand and appreciate.


Chief Seattle


"When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear, when that

happens, The Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them."



I ask that all warriors at this time please have patience.

Your presence and your resources are appreciated tools that shall be utilized as they are required in this battle.

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