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Trivia Tidbit on Yogurt

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As I mentioned recently, Shadow has been having some digestive distress recently. Part of her short-term dietary change involves adding vanilla yogurt to her food. Interestingly, the vet was quite specific in prescribing Stonyfield Farm all-natural yogurt; she stated that this specific brand has proven to be the best brand for dogs, and contains more of the types of cultures that are good for dogs.


Just thought I would pass that along, for what it's worth...

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Yep - my two have a dessertspoon of plain non-fat yoghurt with acidophilus and bifidus each morning with their breakfast. Don't know if it really does any good, but they love it, I feel good about it - and it doesn't seem to do any harm!

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we started giving all our animals yogurt when the cat had a horrid month of diarrhea, all over EVERYTHING! the vet recommended adding that to her diet to straighten out the digestive tract. well, that worked wonders, so when mabel (our 6 mo bc) had diarrhea, i knew it was time for everyone to have yogurt. mabel and the cat (raelin) get yogurt 2 times a day; arwen (our 4 year old husky) gets yogurt at breakfast only as her constitution is cast iron!


i, however, am cheap, and will buy the store brand of plain, non fat yogurt (w/acidophilus of course), but if that is unavailable, they get dannon. i wish i could buy the stuff in a vat! but... the huge containers are a boon since mabel loves to chew them up when they are empty... :rolleyes:



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BustopherJones, couple of questions:

How much does Shadow weigh?

How much did Vet say to give her, and how often?

I give my dogs cottage cheese twice a day, about a rounded tablespoon.


Does any one else give cottage cheese???

Does it do about the same as yogurt, or is yogurt better for them?

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Joe Anne,


I give my dogs cottage cheese mixed with yogurt as a meal subsitution occasionally (once/twice a week). I use cottage cheese as a protein source and the yogurt for the good bacteria. Between my 2 dogs (BC --> 35lbs; Malamute ---> 65lbs), they get a 1kg tub of cottage cheese spilt into 2 meals in a day.

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Originally posted by Joe Anne:

Does any one else give cottage cheese???

Yes, for breakfast sometimes, mixed with whatever else happens to be there. If she liked yogurt, which she doesn't, I'd give her both.
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I also use plain Stoneyfield yogurt for my dogs. Can't stand it myself, but they get a couple of good sized spoonfuls every morning. They're 37 and 49 lbs.


My guess is that cottage cheese is good for them, too, but lacks the live cultures in yogurt that make it good for their digestive systems.

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