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Full moon and lambing?


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I've heard the theories behind this, but am wondering if this is actually the case. Do your ewes tend to lamb around a full moon? Is it just an old wives tale? I've had 20-30 lambs born a year for the past 8 or so years and never really paid attention. Someone I was talking to brought it up today when I told him how many of my ewes had lambed so far.


My ewes started lambing on Sunday, and there were 8 lambs born in 24 hours (4 sets of twins). Since then I've had 3 more ewes lamb. It has been great for me as I have this week off work. If they keep up this pace they'll be done by the end of the week!

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Don't know about lambing and a full moon - but seems like everyone gets even crazier around here then. My girls like to wait until I have something planned - you know, the kind of thing you're really looking forward to or can't get out of - then they explode and we have lambs everywhere. At Purdue, they taught us that the gestation for pigs was 3 months + 3 weeks at 3 in the morning. Good luck with the babies.

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