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URGENT: advice needed

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Hi all, I havent been here in a while. But I need some advice.


My boss has asked me to dog sit for her this afternoon (I will take pictures of Ruby - the dog), I did the other day. But the problem is Bailey got so excited, the dog I'm looking after is tiny and Bailey would hurt her if we let him sniff and lick and chase and jump on - as he wanted to. We kept them seperated by a stairgate last time. Until Bailey jumped the stairgate. I was amazed Bailey has never jumped anything! Thats how much he wanted to get to this other dog!

Any ideas how I can teach him to be calm around Ruby, she scares easy and a fully grown border colie charging at her would terrify her. I know he's only excited and wants to play but she's too small.


Help! Its too hot to keep either one outside, and I dont want to have to shut Bailey out of the living room, its not fair on him!


Any suggestions?



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I agree with Rachel - I don't think it's particularly "unfair" to keep Bailey separated from Ruby for this short period of time (a day). And if you really are concerned, put Bailey in the livingroom. However, I would EXPECT him to "lie down" and stay and I would definately not allow him to jump the gate (best time to correct is before he jumps -- when he's thinking about jumping). Think about it -- learning this may save HIS (Bailey's) life some day.


You could also try teaching a "gentle" command. I assume you have some way of telling him that he's doing something wrong - when he gets too rough, give this command and tell him "gentle" (gentle is associated with stopping the rough behavior). Stay calm yourself so that you don't inadvertantly excite your dog. Choose a time to do this when he's already fairly calm (e.g., after exercise, later in the day, etc.). Of course, this may not be possible (now) if your dog doesn't already know how to settle down.



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My neighbors have a very small puppy that weighed only 2 pounds when we met her, it's a tea cup something mix.


When I took Zoe and Ari to meet her for the first time I had them on leashes, made them sit and the puppy was able to smell them without getting hurt.


Then I held the puppy, made them sit and let them smell the puppy.


We put the puppy down, with Zoe and Ari still on leashes and let them explore each other. This all took about 5 minutes and they have been playing fine since.


No injuries and they all play ball and frisbee together. The puppy now weighs in at a whopping 2 1/2 pounds and does well with letting my girls know when she has had enough.


The puppy likes to lay on the frisbee and neither of my girls will grab it out from under her, they wait for her to move before they take it. They know she is small and they are gentle with her.


Good luck, you don't want your bosses dog to get hurt.

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Ok she's here now and we're making progress.


I would have corrected Bailey for jumping had I seen it coming, he jumped from sitting, no run up, no warning nothing!


I have them in the same room, it started off with Bailey in his crate, until ruby had finished sniffing him, then I put him on a leash so he could sniff ruby. All was fine until Ruby decided she felt safe with Bailey and started jumping at his face. BTW this dog has NOOOOO training or discipline. I've had her twice and taught her down, paw and stay just for my convenience, but that goes out the window when Bailey is around. Bailey has a 'nicely' command, which was working but his idea of being nice is giving his paw to whatever it is he wants... ie thud on top of Ruby... bless her. She's so submissive which doesnt help. Bailey just cant control himself when he's got doggy butt in his face :rolleyes:


Overall its going ok, I can control bailey but not Ruby which is causing todays problems. Grrrr, why do people get dogs and then not train them!!!


I'll post a couple of pictures of her in the gallery, she is soooo cute!


Thanks for the advice

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Ah, looks like they made nice then.


The trick is...and I'm still learning especially in herding...to catch them when they are thinking about it...like Kim said just after my first post.


I bet if you watch closely, even jumping from a sitting position, you could tell that he would jump. However, this takes practice.


Good luck with your sitting today.

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Thankfully that was the first and only time he's jumped... hopefully the last too. Otherwise I will learn what he looks like when he's thinking about jumping, to stop him. thanks for the advice. I think Bailey thought she was a cat. He kept sniffing her but he had that 'Ibest be ready to run coz I'm gonna get hurt' look on his face.

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