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Our Saturday winner and overall champion at Seclusival..way to go girl..last report I had said Renee had some good runs on Sunday as well! I am bummed I couldnt be there with you guys...but Christine held it up for the redheads! I dont have full results so dont know what everyone else did, hope it was wonderful....Back to mowing, my new career.

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Thanks you guys! The Rooker man was wonderful and I was so proud of him. I was pleased to win on Saturday with that "dam" outrun, but I think yesterday was even tougher as the sheep were very hesitant about wanting to go across the dam and then once across the pond, the whistle delay was incredible. So many dogs, mine included, would not respond to the first whistle so we'd give another. By that time, they would be hearing the first one and then the second so would take bigger flanks than needed and turn the sheep around. Renee had beautiful drives yesterday with both her dogs.


Yesterday, Scott and Pleat won, Tommy and Moss in 2nd, David was 3rd with McCloud and 4th with Ace, then Rook was 5th and Mick 7th. I think Debbie Bailey and Ben were 6th or 8th. And I have to thank Debbie for giving Rook her special pep talk!


Stu held out sheep ALL day Saturday and Sunday - what a trooper after being under the weather all week.


It was a challenging course both days, great handlers to compete against and lots of fun (and super payback, too!) But it sure wasn't the same without Sam and Robin!

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Thanks Christine, Nick is doing well for me.


For a dog that wouldn't outrun and then once I got an outrun, couldn't drive to the drive gates on a very small P/N course this past fall, he's come a long way.


Nancy O

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Peg and I placed 4th (Stacy beat us by 1 point) in Nursery on Thursday (3 qualified). From there Peg got more wound up and we went down in performance. There were nice moments and not so nice including the "thank you" and DQ.


Jody didn't run, she's not ready yet, but getting there.



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Wahooo Christine and Nancy!!


I knew Christine had a killer run on Saturday, left before things were over on Sunday -- GREAT that you took that two-day home with ya!


My runs left me thinking I should ask Eileen to start a new forum -- My Run Fell Apart Because -- so y'all could beat me over the head for the stoopid things I do to make Scout look bad!


It happens so much she'd probably make it a Colin only forum.


Congrats Again!



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It's an old 30 foot camper that had a leak in the bedroom area somewhere. We ripped out wet nasty walls and ceiling (well, okay, not much ripping when the ceiling falls on your head on its own....) and will be rebuilding them. It'll be fine once done but yuck. I'll probably be in it a couple of months at least and you're right Christine, i'll be glad for it here in about 3 weeks when i have to get out of my house. I'll have quite the front yard and neighbors too since it'll be sitting in my pasture. :rolleyes:


Now keep your fingers crossed everything goes okay with my house buyer's financing so i get to move...

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No Colin, you'll have to make room for me in that "My Run Fell Apart" forum when (if!) I move up. Howver, it will be so long before I move up, that you'll have left the forum and it will be deserted and I'll have to clean out the cobwebs and talk to myself for a while.


I was tickled to FINALLY see some of the dogs I've been hearing about for three years. Christine, your run Saturday was super. It's been two years since I've seen Scott Glen work and boy, do I wish I lived closer to him! Denise knows how I feel about Mick - way to go!


I was really glad to FINALLY meet the Billadeaus. Renee's runs especially were a pleasure to watch. Starr and Rae are both neat dogs.


I really hope I can start getting out more again - I've been missing out on a lot. )c:

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Congratulations Christine! I am both glad for you and envious. I'm sorry I missed the trial and what sounds like some really interesting work! Oh well, by next year I should have my work schedule under better control and then perhaps I can make it! I've been dying to try the dam!


Congratulations also to anyone else who did well. You know who you are--I'll just have to wait to know who you are till someone publishes it somewhere.



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Thanks Julie! I missed you, too.


Thanks Becca! It was great to see you again and to meet Laura. Thanks for your help posting the scores yesterday.


Oh and Laura, thanks for telling me that you'd sneezed before shaking my hand! Are your allegries any better?

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No problem Christine. You can give me that fiver next time I see you. :D:rolleyes:


Poor Laura kind of agonized over that to me afterward "You think she'll think I was rude and snobby?" I had to admit I wouldn't have even thought of it, I'm so absent-minded! Although with Steve's chemo and recent family health crises and all, I've gotten WAY more conscious about germs and carry a little santizer gel bottle in my purse.

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Congratulations Christine! Congrats also to the others of you who did well!


I really enjoyed meeting you all. I had an absolute ball this weekend, and I thank you all for your hospitality and the chance to come watch. Thanks to Becca for an awesome travel partner. I hope I can meet some of the rest of you next time.


Christine, I was absolutely mortified about that. I thought maybe I could just crawl under the table, or go jump in the ravine. It's funny today though. :rolleyes: And yes, they are some better. It's been a little touch and go since the pine trees decided to join the fun a few weeks ago. Next time I'll shake your hand, minus the sneezing part. Becca's right, with so many people I know right now being sick or going through Chemo, I've been a little over-sensitive about germs and stuff (ie keeping them to myself).

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Off topic, but relating to Laura's allergy problem--I was standing in my back yard this weekend and it was quite cloudy--rain looked to be imminent. As I looked across the neighbor's field planted in winter rye the rain appeared to be heading my way. But no, it wasn't rain, the wind was blowing, and the pollen from all that grass was sheeting across the field fooling me into thinking I was seeing rain. As a fellow allergy sufferer who is trying to recuperate from a sinus infection and bronchitis, all I can say is UGH!


Now, to put this back on topic, I'm jealous of all of you! I need a trial and trial friends fix soon!



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