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2003 Kensmuir "Novice" Series

Guest PrairieFire

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Guest PrairieFire

Decided to officially announce this...


I'm gonna try this out. I will need at least 10 dogs to run each series - the first series will start on Saturday May 3, 2003 at 9 am...and will run monthly through August, maybe skip my fall trial, and continue in October and November depending on weather...


Each trial will feature 2 runs - cost is $30 for both runs. There will be no payback, for if I payback, I would need to police "novices" and I don't want to do that - in fact, I wouldn't mind immensely if "higher" level handlers wanted to run young dogs just to get 'em some expereince on a course...


I'm thinking of setting up a ranch course and perhaps even a PN course, and just letting folks announce which course they are running when they enter, but running them all concurrently.


I'm taking entries starting now - so if folks are interested, let's see the entries come in - along with what you would be willing to do at the trial and what you are comfortable with doing...

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You can put me down for 4 runs (2 dogs/2 runs each) for the first series on May 3 and as mentioned before, put me down for whatever help you'll need, including setting sheep out for people as well.


Thanks for putting these on!



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Guest PrairieFire

Yep, they'll be judged. I'm the judge - that keeps the cost down...


They will essentially be "training" trials - I dislike the term "fun trial" - and the purpose will be to establish a learning opportunity rather than establishing a "winner"...one of the reasons I'm not policing it is to make it available to more folks...

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  • 1 month later...
Guest PrairieFire

Ain't never drove that way, Chad...


River Falls to Denver is 14 hours - RF to Belle Fourche is 9...


I once made a ten hour trip (for me) in 8 hours, pulling my 1972 Playmor dog trial special camper with my 1 Ton dually when Craig had the weed seed embedded in his eye and I was heading for the U of MN (that included a stop in Iowa for a vet to put anesthetic drops in his eye - cell phones are wondrous things)...


I once totally blew up the propane tank cover on a borrowed 26' camper at nearly 100 mph through Montana - it just shattered, shabby workmanship I figure...(I LOVE good ol' American big block chevy engines...)


I think I'm banned from driving in the North East...

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Guest PrairieFire

"I guess that is a bit far."


There is no too far, there is only not stayed long enough...


Just plan on staying longer, we like doggie company...

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