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Juvenile Cataracts

2 Devils

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I was wondering what you guys know about juvenile cataracts in dogs...


My bc pup is almost 10 months old and I took her to the vets because she has a double eye infection. The vets checked her eyes (dye and all) and saw a possible cataract in her left eye. I will take her back to the vets in a few weeks to have it checked again to see if the "spot" is still there. If it is, I will then take her to a opthamologist and have it diagnosed for whatever it is... The vet was pretty sure it was a cataract but says that there is a chance it could be something that could go away...


UGH!!! Why can't I just have one healthy dog...

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I don't know as I'd wait "a couple of weeks" to have my dog's eyes checked by a specialist, especially in view of having a double eye infection and a "spot" on her left eye. A prompt second opinion by an opthamologist may mean the difference in saving the eyesight or not. I get any eye trouble/damage checked asap. JMHO



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It could also be a corneal dystrophy - basically a calcium deposit in the iris. It usually does not affect their sight and typically does not grow larger. They are not uncommon in collie breeds and I have heard that many vets initially suspect a cataract. I think a specialist could probably put your mind at ease - one way or the other.

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My concern was the fact that she said it was typical mercedes/bmw (can't remember which car)... Maybe I will just make the appointment with a eye specialist for a couple weeks down the road. I agree that I want my mind at ease.


I am 34 and have macular drusen which is basically the first stages of macular degeneration... I could get it or I may not so I understand about wanting to have it looked at....

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Ditto what Liz said. Go right to the opthamologist. Board certified, preferably one familiar with working breeds.


Good luck and I'm awfully sorry you're getting the hassle again. :rolleyes:

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