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Claire Owen

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Hi all, havent been around in ages so i hope your all well and so are your four legged friends. I'm just posting this really quickly because I've just been over to Bailey and he is freezing and shivering a lot. He's been 'quiet' all day but I've been spring cleaning since his walk and he normally stays out my way when I clean. But I've just looked at him and he was curled up on the sofa shivering so i went and hugged him and hes frozen.... we have a very warm house. Anyway his body has warmed up now, he's curled up under a blanket with hubby but his nose and mouth are still very cold. i know dogs can get colds in the form of kennel cough but he hasnt been coughing. I know hes not well because he's still under the blanket instead of trying to kill it :rolleyes::D . Anyone have any advice or idea what it might be.

It was very cold on our walk today so I didnt stay out too long because I was frozen but it doesnt normally affect Bailey


Thanks for any advice

Claire x

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Could it just be that he isn't used to the cold?


I listen to Virgin Radio over the internet (German radio is unbearable for an Oasis fan), and they've been complaining about the weather a lot, so I guess that sort of weather is unusual for you.

Kessie got cold twice in her life. Once when she first "learned to swim" (I was excited about it and kept throwing the stick into the water) and once on a mountain top in winter, with the storm making everything feel ten times as cold.

Each time there was nothing wrong with her once she was warmer, so I wouldn't worry too much if it's stopped now.


(Btw, is the football still alive? :rolleyes: )

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Gee, sounds like what happens to me when I get sick. My temperature goes down instead of up. And I start from ~97.5. I've gone down to 95. Honest.


Asprin is no use - it lowers temperatures. And you want some heat because that's what kills the germs. I put on warm PJs and socks, turn on the mattress pad, and get into bed. Sometimes with a heating pad.


I suggest doing similar with Bailey. Then have his thyroid checked. Low thyroid function also causes low temperatures - and makes it worse when you're sick. Heck, mine used to start at 96.4 before I got on synthetic thyroid.

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Thanks guys... it has been really cold for the UK lately.... colder than last year and we didnt have Bailey before that so I guess he may just not be used to this. Hes a bit better this morning, I let him sleep on the end of my bed and put a blanket over him... AND HE STAYED THERE... he was a poorly doggy. I'll ring the vet later though just to be on the safe side. We only had his thyroids checked recently so she may not think it needs doing again, but I'll ask. Thanks


Sandra... YES the footbal is still alive. I'm amazed at that too :rolleyes:


Claire x

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