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Missy has been favoring one of her front legs for about 2 days. It does not appear that anything is abnormal - no swelling or sore places that I can tell. I also checked her paw and did'nt find anything there either. I am thinking that she misstepped or something while playing. It does not seem to bother her she just has a bit of a limp.


I'm just wondering if there is something that I should be concerned about? Or is it most likely just something that needs a few days of taking it easy?


Needless to say, we have not done any serious playing or ball for a couple days (my choice NOT hers!).


Thoughts and comments would be appreciated!

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hi there!

how old is she?

if she's not a pup, i would just keep an eye on it for a few days with less excersise (sp?).

is there anywhere you can take her swimming? i have always found this to be very beneficial to my dogs if ever they strain something, as it is non weight bearing.

hope this helps!

let us know how you get on

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