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Get the Book the Vet use!!!

Joe Anne

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FYI: For anyone who may be interested. I have a book that was recommended by my vet:

Manual of Small Animal Internal Medicine by

Richard W. Nelson and C. Guillermo Couto the

ISBN # is 0-8151-7297-4 Publisher Mosby, the copyright date of my book is 1999.. there may be an updated version.

Anyway.. especially good for anyone with a medical background who wants a very good resource book on medical issues with your pets. Even if you don't have a medical background there is ALOT of good info to be had.

I have used my book soooo many times when working with my vet when one of my critters are sick or injured. At the very least, you can learn what questions to ask, and what normal values for blood work etc are.

My Vet did strongly advise (warn), me not to use this book to diagnose anything for myself, it does not take the place of the Dr. her/himself!

JoeAnne Mirra Sitka Phoenix and crew

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Kim, I am not sure. The web address is

www.mosby.com I know I had to special order it through the publisher, but I don't know about the other places. The address of the publisher is: Mosby, Inc.

11830 Westline Industrial Drive

St. Louis, MO. 63146


JoeAnne Mirra, Sitka, Phoenix and crew

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Wow! $150 ... I guarantee there is no way I paid that much for this book. I have the paperback, maybe that is the difference. I've had it for several years, and I am pretty sure I only paid about $50-$60 or even less than that. I got it directly from the publisher, and I wouldn't have been able to afford that kind of money.

Check around..I'm sure you should be able to get it cheaper.

JoeAnne Mirra, Sitka, Phoenix and crew

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